- Chapter 40 -

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2:37 pm
Narrator's P.O.V
Yn smiled nervously and Jungkook chuckled at her cute reaction to his words and then he softly said;

"With your permission... I.. I would like to take you out on a date tomorrow. I thought.. we could have a lunch date in the cafeteria or you know.. in your room if you want."

Yn smiled and said shyly; "O-Okay... um.. but.. I-I think the d-date... should be in my room. The doctor... he came by while y-you left.. and he said that I... had to stay here for... at least 2 weeks."

Her answer made Jungkook smile as he said;

"I understand and.. I'm so sorry about leaving you so suddenly but I promise you that it'll NEVER happen again, okay?"

Yn nodded and hesitantly held his hand in hers as she said shyly;

"O-Okay.. and.. I'm really sorry too... I-I didn't mean to make you upset.. it's just.. well.. I-I've never has my first k-kiss and... y-you caught me off guard.. when you k-kissed me.. and when the doctor asked me if I knew you, I-I panicked and I'm.. I'm sorry about that."

Hearing that she's never had her first kiss made him laugh as he thought; if only she knew how many times they kissed when they were with each other.

Yn frowned as she saw Jungkook laughing, she thought that he must've not taken her apology seriously,

But she was again caught off guard when Jungkook gently kissed her cheek, but his sudden action made Yn blush like crazy and hide her face.

Jungkook smiled at her as it became obvious to him that HE was now the confident one in their relationship and YN was now the more shy one.

Of course he didn't mind, he absolutely loves her shy state as he finds it absolutely adorable.

But right now, he was absolutely determined to gain Yn's love and make her his girlfriend all over again.
He just needed to be patient.


The next day

Yn's P.O.V
As I excitedly waited for Jungkook and his brothers to come visit me, my friend Nurse Ellie, helped me get ready for my "Hospital date" as she calls it and she helps me brush my hair.

"I'm just saying girl, you should kissed him back. I mean come on, I would've."

"E-Ellie!" I groaned and she laughed and says teasingly;

"What? I'm just being honest, the guy's hot, no wonder you have a crush on him!"

She winks at me and I turn into a blushing mess a she finished brushing my hair and sets the brush down on the counter,

"Look, girl! Just be confident and things will be fine."

"But I'm NOT confident Ellie, that's the problem!"

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