- Chapter 62 -

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Narrator's P.O.V
As Seokjin was sitting down and talking to Hanna a few feet away, Yoongi stood in front of his father's gravestone quietly, there were a lot of things that he that wanted to say but the only thing that came out of his mouth was;

"After all the bullshit you put Eomma and me through... I.. I forgive you."

Yoongi had a rough childhood that the boys don't even know about because he hardly talks about his parents or his family in general..

His father was an very serious, very cold, alcoholic, abusive, cheating man while his mother was the complete opposite of that... his mother was beautiful, very kind towards others and was the one that taught Yoongi how to play the piano.

She was his everything.

Until that day... the day that would change Yoongi's life forever.

Yoongi was 16 years old when he was walking home from school, the boys had insisted that they walk him home so that he wouldn't be alone but Yoongi refused saying that they all had to take care of Jungkook.

As he was walking home, Yoongi could see something from where he was standing and it made him drop his school bag and books,

His house was on FIRE.

Police men, Firefighters and an ambulance were all in his driveway and front yard, panicked ran through him as he immediately thought about his Eomma.

She has to be okay! She just has too!

As Yoongi ran towards his house, a police officer immediately caught notice of him running towards them and gently brought him to a halt as he calmly said;

"Woah, woah there son. Take a deep breaths, Is this your house? What's your name son?-"

"Yes.. Yes I live here and my name is Min Yoongi... P-Please.. S-Sir.. W-W-Where is my Eomma?! Where is she?!" Yoongi asked in a panick as he looked around wildly for his mother.

"Okay look son, I'm going need you to calm down first and then I'll answer your questions, okay? Now take a few deep breaths." 

The officer said softly and Yoongi nodded as he did was the officer instructed, and after a while Yoongi was calmer and he slowly asked;

"W-What happened here? And.. where is my Eomma?"

"Well Yoongi, we got a 911 call from your neighbor and she told us about the fire. Now, we're currently trying to figure out who caused the fire and we just got the people that were inside the hous-"

"How is my Eomma? Please tell me she's okay?!"

The police officer man face fell as he bowed his head sadly and said softly;

"I'm sorry you have to find out this way son.. but.. both of your parents are dead."

Yoongi will never forget that day for as long as he'll live as it turned his whole world upside down. And for 2 years, he still couldn't forgive his father for what he had done.

His father.. had locked every door and window shut before his Eomma came home from work and when she did, he beat her so hard then he locked her in their bedroom.. and that's when he started the fire that killed both him and his wife.

But Yoongi knew that he couldn't spend his entire life thinking about what ifs or I could'ves, instead.. he decided to make a mends and forgive his father.

Yoongi sighed as he took out a small picture of him and his father when Yoongi was a baby, he looked so happy to be holding his son..

Yoongi gently put the picture down next to the bouquet of flowers and with that.. then he got up and walked a bit further away towards his mother's gravestone.

He slowly let's out a shaky breathe as he approaches his mothers grave with a single red rose in his hands, sighing, Yoongi gently kneeled down and placed the rose at the foot of his mother's gravestone.

Standing up, Yoongi back away from her gravestone and was a good distance away from it as he could bring himself to sit next to her gravestone.

"I... I love you mama.. I hope you're happy and safe at least."

- 30 minutes later -

After the two boys said their proper goodbyes and said what they had to say, Yoongi went back to Seokjin who was still sitting next to Hanna's gravestone.

As Yoongi quietly stood next to his Hyung, Seokjin was crying as he said;

"You know what I regret the most?"

Yoongi didn't answer as he wanted his Hyungs to let his feelings out and that's what Seokjin did when he said;

"I-I never told Hanna about Jungkook... I.. I was too embarrassed."

Yoongi nodded as Seokjin broke down and cried in his hands.

After a while, Yoongi quietly sat down next to Seokjin and wrapped his arm around his shoulder,

"You were embarrassed that.. he was different from us? And because of that difference.. you never told Hanna.. because you thought she was going to leave you?"

Yoongi asks slowly and Seokjin nods and he cries even more,

"Hyung... let's just agree that if a girl doesn't like Jungkook then she ISN'T worth our time, okay?"

Seokjin nodded again as he started to feel horrible for being so stupid back then, but Yoongi was right, if his future girlfriend doesn't like Jungkook then it's over.

"I.. I thought that I could magically just make things be normal for once by NOT telling Hanna anything about him.. but that guilt only ate me up inside for years.. now I just feel stupid for feeling embarrassed back then."

Yoongi nodded as he patted his Hyung's shoulder and got up from where he was sitting,

"Enough of that Hyung.. it's all in the past now, come on we can talk about it with the others when we get home, okay? Let--"

"I'm sorry for your loss."

A soft voice broke through, making Yoongi stop talking as he looked up to see a girl who wore all black and had a mask covering her face.

Yoongi nodded and Seokjin muttered;

"I'm sorry for your loss too.."

The girl nodded as she awkwardly said,

"Um.. I know this probably it's the best time to tell you guys this.. but it's about... Jeon Jungkook."

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