- Chapter 50 -

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- In the boy's home -

9:21 am
Narrator's P.O.V
"You are NOT going to the hospital and that's final! Yn doesn't even know you and now she hates you!" Namjoon yelled for the 10th time this morning but Jungkook scoffed as he yelled back;

"Yn only "HATES" me because of what KIM SE-MI said to her!"

"What are you talking about?!" Namjoon asked as the others entered the living room to see why we were fighting, and Jungkook glared at him as he said;

"After I ran to the doctor and told him about Yn having panic attack, he called the other nurses to assist him and he told ME to go home but I didn't. Instead I thought about Yn's last words as I walked out of the hospital and I just KNEW that Kim Se-mi had something to do with Yn's panic attack.. so I WENT to her house by taxi.
And once I got there, I knocked on her door and there she was, she smiled at me but I asked her what she did to Yn and she had the AUDACITY to lie to me by saying that she absolutely NO idea what I was talking about but when she saw my face, she knew that she was caught, she could never lie to me because she KNOWS that I can ALWAYS see right through her bullshit. So she confessed and told me what she did.. while you guys were with me in my hospital room, Se-mi talked with Yn in the cafeteria and she told Yn that I was HER boyfriend and to stay away from me. And MY BABY actaully believed that evil little snake and agreed to stay away from me and that's why... that's why Yn "hates" me... she's only doing what Se-mi told her to do: Staying away from me. And when that snake told me that, I LOST it. I just lost it as I told her that I would NEVER date her and by the end of our conversation, I threatened her saying that if SHE ever comes by the house or talks to me or my Ynie.. that I'll have her arrested. Then I left her house, took a taxi and that's why I came home late when you guys were asleep."

Jungkook had finished with an exasperated sigh, as he calmed down and then said coldly;

"Now, I'm GOING to the hospital whether you LIKE IT or NOT because I'm GOING to make things RIGHT between Yn and I and I don't care if I have to stay in that damn hospital for ANOTHER month, I'm going to fix things between us because I LOVE HER."

And with that, Jungkook glared at Namjoon as he opened the front door but before he left, he said sternly;

Don't wait up for me because I WON'T be coming home UNTIL our situation is fixed.

Then he slammed the front door shut and quickly started walking down the street, to the nearest bus stop.


- In the Hospital -

12:00 am
Jungkook's P.O.V
As I sat there waiting for one of the nurses to call my name and telling me that I could see Yn, I held my duffle bag close to me as I had a plan to get back into Yn's good graces and fix this whole misunderstanding between us. I hope she forgives me.. and gives me another chance.

If it takes me being rejected to get her forgiveness than so be it, I'll just try even harder to win her back, no hassle is ever to great if it's for her--

"Jeon Jungkook." The nurse saying, pulling me out of my thoughts and I immediately get up from my seat and walk over to the nurse;

"Yes, that's me. How's my girlfriend?" I asked worriedly as the last thing I remember was telling the doctor about Yn's condition and seeing like 7 nurses practically running into Yn's room,

"You'll be pleased to know that she IS awake now but.. I would wait a while before speaking to her if I were you... she's on her bed crying."

As the nurse whispers the lady sentence, I feel my heart start to ache as just the thought of Yn crying makes me upset, "T-Thank you Ma'am, and I will wait." I say and she nods as she leads me to Yn's rooms than signals for me to wait by the door as she opens it and tells Yn that she has a special visitor.

I panic as I quickly fix my hair and try to make myself look presentable, this makes the nurse laugh at me before leaving me to open the door when I'm ready.

Taking a deep breathe, I gently grab the door handle and whisper;

"Please don't throw ANOTHER vase at me baby.."

As I slowly open the door and step inside Yn's room, I see her rocking back and forth as she's crying on the bed, my heart races as all I want to do is to hold her close to me and tell her that everything will be alright, but.. remembering the words of the nurse, I quietly closed the door and sat down in a chair at the edge of Yn's bed and wait for her when she's ready to talk.

After waiting for about 1 hour, I sit up straight when I see that she slowly starts to sit up and move her hair away from her face quietly,
she still isn't looking at me but I know that she's knows that it's me in the room with her.

After about 5 more minutes of tense silence in the room, Yn cleared her throat and mumbled, "Get out.."

"What?" I asked as I honestly didn't hear her what she said as she was mumbling under it her breathe. So with clenched fists, she looks up at me with a look of disdain amd says loudly;


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