- Chapter 14 -

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- In the restuarant -

Narrator's P.O.V

Trying her best to stay calm and not kill the bastard in front of her, Yn quickly went to Jungkook's side and immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders, while gently stroking his hair and started rocking him back and forth. "Jungkook, take deep breathes for me okay? Deep breathe.. in and out.." Yn said as she focused all her attention on him not giving a flying pig's ass what the other people thought.

He slowly started to breathe in and out but his breathing started to increase rapidly when the waiter yelled;


Although Yn was ignoring his comment, she couldn't help but feel like ripping that guys throat out.

Yn quickly got her backpack and took out noise-cancelling headphones that she'd bought for a situation like this one, and after she carefully put them on Jungkook, his eyes looked around everywhere before sighing in slight relief before he started shaking.

He could feel how everyone in the restuarant was mocking at him, the way they were all laughing and pointing at him.

He felt humiliated, ashamed, and like an embarrassment. Just like his mother had always said and made him feel...

Along with the other words, that one word will forever linger on in his mind;


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Cue to ALL 6 BOYS absolutely LOSING THEIR SHII----- -

As the boys watched Yn put the headphones on his ears,

Yoongi was the first one who immediately jumped over the booth, some other tables and tackled the waiter then processed to do.... this;


After beating him up for a good while as the others started to run towards him,

Yoongi gave the waiter a broken shoulder, 2 broken wrists, a broken right arm, a nearly broken leg, and a nearly broken jaw... anndd he may or not have broken some of his ribs..

And he would've left it at that if the waiter hadn't said;

"You know.... I don't see how your retarded brother is any help to society... if anything you guys should just get rid of hi-"

But he never got to finish his statement, because...

Hoseok started to beat up the waiter as Yoongi was yelling at him, causing the guy to have a busted lip, 2 black eyes, and a good kick where-the-sun-dont-fucking-shine.

Seokjin mostly yelled at the waiter telling him how stupid and pathetic he was for treating someone who has Autism like that.
And he gave a good punch to the face that may or may have broken his nose.

Jimin also yelled at him alongside Jin then helped Yoongi by punching the guy in the face over and over again and with Taehyung's help, they managed to actually break his leg.

And lastly....

Namjoon was the one who avoided all the fighting and yelling as he took Yn and Jungkook outside so he could help him calm down properly, despite the fact that he wanted to break every bone in that man's body.

- 25 minutes later -

After the police came and took statements, they ended up arresting the waiter after taking him to hospital... and Yoongi.. for destruction of property and a number of other things. (Yoongi took the blame for every injury that waiter got.)

Yoongi had to spend the night at the police station.

- The next day -

After the whole fight happened, the boys and Yn were banned from that restaurant and they didn't go to school for a the day, as Yn took care of Jungkook and the others who got hurt during the fight.

Yoongi got a black eye and a bruised cheek.
Hoseok got a bruise near his mouth.
Seokjin got a bruise near his eye.
And lastly.. Jimin and Taehyung had a few bruises on their faces from that guy trying to fight back.

Overall, Yn was grateful that she had hired that babysitter for her little cousins because she stayed with the boys the whole day making sure that all their wounds were treated.

"You should go check up Jungkook." Taehyung suggested as he was the last one to get his wounds treated alongside Jimin. "But you gu-"

"Go." Yoongi said tiredly as he layed on the living room floor next to Hoseok and Seokjin.

Yn nodded as she got up and quietly started to walk to Jungkook's room to check on him as he hasn't came out ever since they all got home. As she was walking towards his bedroom door, she heard muffled crying coming from inside his room.

"Jungkookie, are you okay?"


"Jungkook, it's me please open the door!" Yn said as she began to jiggle the door handle, only to hear more crashes followed by screaming and more crashes.

"Bunny please-"

"G-Go.. away!"

Seokjin's P.O.V
After Yn left to go check on Jungkook, I soon heard loud noises coming from Jungkook's room upstairs and I knew the others heard it too as we all quickly got at the same time and worriedly ran upstairs.

"Yn, what happened? I asked as I pulled her aside while the others were trying to get Jungkook to open his door, "I heard some noises as I was walking towards his room and I tried knocking but he wouldn't open the door. I'm scared he's hurt." She explained and I nodded.

After a few more minutes, Jungkook finally opened the door looking at the ground as he did so, "Kookie.. Yn and us-"

"..llook at that litttle f-freak...don't telll mee.. he's yourr bboyfriend.."

All of us froze as he repeated the same words the waiter had said before, then after a while, Yn walked up to him while saying in a calm voice "Jungkook.. you're not a-"

But before Yn could finish, Jungkook quickly slammed the door as she got closer causing her to take a step back.

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder while Yoongi said "Hey.. don't worry about it." "Yeah, he just needs some time to be alone right now." Taehyung added reassuringly and Yn gave them a small nod before leaving downstairs. The others and I decided to stay downstairs with Yn for now then talk to Jungkook at a later time.

I only hoped that Jungkook doesn't hurt himself.

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