That's Your Name?

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It was late and Snot-lout still had not returned. Kai was really worried, but Zane was way more worried than anyone. Not because he cared about the boy who was stealing his Fire-fly, but because if he ended up dead or hurt then Kai's going to flip out at him and never get back together with any of them and it will be all his fault.

"Should we go looking?" Kai asks as he ate his dinner looking out at the dark ocean in concern. "I'm sure he's fine relax," Zane attempts to sooth him and put a hand on his shoulder only to be smacked away and a glare directed at him. Their earlier fight had ended in heated yelling heard all over the island, but since they yelled in Ninjagian the riders did not know what they had been yelling about.

It was tense to say the least and Zane has no idea what he's doing wrong. He's been giving Kai attention, he's been making him food, he's been doing everything he can think of so why does Kai have such a problem with him? Besides his earlier out burst.

"Your right we better go out there and look for him that storm was pretty bad," Hiccup agrees with his twin. "I am sure he is fine besides I never did draw
any blood," Zane said helpfully. "You scared him away because you were jealous," Kai said with a bite. "You purposely did that to get on my nerves," Zane said. "I didn't think you would try to kill him!" Kai snaps.

"Calm down we'll go look for him now," Hiccup said getting up. "Now? But I'm close to translating this!" Fish-legs said gesturing to the parchment papers on the table. It was the writing Kai had given him to translate and when Zane glanced at it he scrunches up his face a glares at Kai.

"You better hope for your sake he doesn't translate that correctly," Zane said seriously. Kai just gave a smug smirk and stuck his tongue out at him.

Another flash of lightning went off in the distance and everyone looked out as it happened. "That lightning is odd," Zane murmurs squinting. "It's just Thor's anger nothing to be worried about he won't hit us," Heather said with a shrug as she finished her plate.

"We'll go looking after the storm. Snot-lout knows what to do in a lightning storm," Astrid said. "I don't know something doesn't feel right," Kai said looking out at the storm. "It's too dark we'll wait until tomorrow morning for now let's get a good nights rest," Hiccup said getting up to head to bed.

Before heading to Hiccup's hut to sleep Kai said to Zane. "If he's gotten hurt because your scared him off I will not be going to return to Ninjago because at least my family here doesn't try to control me and who I want to be," he promises and Zane visibly flinches as he watches Kai walk off.

Zane sighs wondering what he needs to do or what he did wrong exactly. Like in Ninjago Zane knows what he did wrong, but here it feels like a different reason Kai's angry at him. The ice ninja just can't wait until they find the others to help him.

Snot-lout and Jay

Snot-lout was thrown into a cell roughly along with the one in blue as the cage slammed shut on them. Looking out at the other cages Snot-lout saw at least five skrills in specially designed cages for them keeping them in water so they couldn't shoot or summon any lightning. With that storm going on it was heaven for the skrills to go too and unfortunately the perfect place for them to be captured.

"Great just great of course I got captured because I felt like doing something nice for once," Snot-lout said in a angry rant. He looked at the boy in blue who was looking at him suspiciously.

"And I'm stuck with someone who does not even speak Viking. Ugh why did I only pay attention to the swear words Kai taught me?" Snot-lout asks out loud in his rant and his cell mate perks up.

"Kai? You know where Kai is?" He asks speaking perfect Viking and taking Snot-loud by surprise. "You actually understand me!?" Snot-lout exclaims only to be shushed by the freckled kid. "Yeah of course I do my dragon Whisp gave me some enchantment spell so I can speak the language she said it helped a lot in the past when masters need to go somewhere for peace treaties or something. Anyway I'm Jay," He introduced like it was no big deal. "Than why were you just speaking Ninjagian?" Snot-lout asks. "If it looks like I actually understand them then they wouldn't say anything worth remembering while I'm around. That and it's fun to mess with that Ryker guy," Jay said smiling like a child who just ate a lot of sugar.

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