The Queen

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Stiles shakily washed Tracy's blood from his hands, the dried blood circling the drain before going into it.

Stiles looked at the mirror in front of him, his mind kept going back to Tracy's face the blood dripping down her nose and mouth as she stared into nothing.

In a rage Stiles punched the mirror, sending shards of glass everywhere in the bathroom.

Lydia hesitantly walked in, to see the glass on the ground, and her gaze went to Stiles' hand, that was still dripping with blood.  It should have healed by now but it remained representing how weak he was becoming.

Lydia wrapped her arms around her mate, as he took a shaky breath,"Are you going to be okay?"

"I don't know," Stiles said slowly turning around to look into Lydia's green eyes,"It feels like a part of me was ripped away."

"I know," Lydia said,"I feel it too," It was true, with their mating bond Lydia felt all of Stiles' worst pain, like his most grievous injuries and his emotions.

Lydia hugged Stiles close as tears ran down his face.

"Stiles," Hope said walking in,"We found out where they are, our family, the doctors, the beast, everyone."

Stiles nodded standing up straighter, wiping the tears from his face,"All right let's get them back."

Change Of View

The woman smirked watching what happened through the glass on the floor,"It's almost time."

"Time for what, Mother?" Mason asked his eyes glowing blue.

"For young Stiles to evolve into something darker, to become the next king of hell," Katherine Pierce said turning to Mason,"And your new father."

Change of View

"This isn't up for discussion," Stiles told everyone crossing his arms,"I'm going alone."

"No your not," Lydia said,"Your getting weaker, your wolf side is fading, and you don't know how long your witch side will last."

Stiles went silent,"Your right, I am a witch and that means I can do this," Stiles flicked his wrists and all the doors locked the windows slammed shut.  And Stiles was suddenly outside and when Lydia opened the door she was met with a invisible barrier and she slammed her hands against it.

"I'm sorry," Stiles said looking down at Lydia from the other side of the barrier,"But I can't lose anybody else."

"Stiles please don't do this," Lydia begged tears streaming down her eyes,"I can't lose anyone else, especially you."

Stiles smiled sadly,"I love you, Lydia," he said telling her that for the first time.

Stiles turned away and started to walk away, then he started to run, eyes starting to glow red as a growl rumbled out of his chest.

Stiles jumped and when he landed he was on all fours as his bones broke and reformed to make the wolf.  The once powerful black wolf was now thin and weak no longer standing seven feet only four feet tall just a little bigger than a normal wolf.

Stiles breathed heavily as he ran to the dread doctors lair, every step he felt the exertion of using his werewolf side, but Stiles pushed himself harder as he ran.  He thought about Tracy's face before she died, how Hayley and Klaus promised that they would always help him and be there for him, he remembered laughing with Hope, and Lydia he remembered every moment he ever shared with Lydia.  Each memory pushed him to go faster, giving him a reason to protect his pack and family.

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