Ode to my love

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You're Gorgeous, meticulous
You're wonderful, you're lovely
You're fabulous and beauteous
You're marvelous, you're comely

You're flawless and godblessed
so perfect, exemplary
So perplexed and prepossessed
is anyone who sees thee.

You're lovable, adorable
So appealing is your beauty
So ineffable and incredible
is your pulchritude of physiognomy.

You're precious, vivacious
You're loved and adored.
And your voice, so melodious
it just strikes the right chord.

I'm the words
you're my poetry
I'm the shapes
you're my geometry

I'm a mountain
you're my lovely scenery
I'm an artisan
you're my treasured artistry

I'm a widow's smile
when she's asked how's it been
and you meanwhile
are the pain that she's hiding within.

I'm someone's ambition
you're the motivation behind them working ceaselessly.
I'm some word's abbreviation
and you're what's pronounced
by anyone who's reading me.

You're a blessing to my life
You're my sun, my guiding light
I know that it will be alright
till I have you by my side.

Thank you, oh my love
for you were always there for me
Thanks for letting me know
how it feels being loved by somebody.

With you my heart sings melodies
Without you it sings an elegy
With you I make lovely memories
without you it's a tragedy.

You taught me to love myself
You told me I shall know my worth
You were the one to propel
me to the place that I deserved.

Alas! I found you so late.
But I'm happy that I did.
For it's worth it all for me to wait
for a beauty so splendid.

I shan't never let thee go
I shan't never forget thee
For you were the one to show
me the beauty that I didn't find in me.

I shall let the world know
how much you mean to me.
To your love I shall kowtow
with my words and poetry.


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