a fallacy so pleasing to the eyes

319 17 15

Do you think
we are really doing fine?
Or have we been lying to eachother
all this time

You wish to see me happy
To know what's wrong
And how must I tell you
It's been 'us' all along!

Are you so blind in love
to see we're Falling apart
Or are just so terrified
to see your own shattered heart

I wish I hadn't been in love with every blemish, every scar,
Every difference that makes you different
More perfect than we mere mortals are

Because that's the thing about love
You tend to be more distant
You make an image, pray, devote
And hate when it's different.

But you don't get it, do you?
Because you love what you got
Found what you want
I wish It was the same for me
Alas! It's not.

We are made for eachother, you surmise
How I wait for you to realise
That what future you see of us is just a fallacy
so pleasing to the eyes.


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