A Girl's Voice

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I want to tell you how badly it hurts,
being in a society of perverts.
Where you are judged,
by the length of your skirts

I want to tell you how it feels,
being a girl child.
Who doesn't have any idea,
Of the last time she smiled.

I want to tell you,
how it feels being raped.
Of how a certain moment,
makes a girl's life ravaged.

I wish to tell you,
how it feels being thrown,
into prostitution in your teenage.
When men compel you to do things
until their hunger is assuaged.

I want you to hear,
the screams of a woman quite.
Who's tortured & abused,
and raped by her husband every night.

I wanted to show you,
how insecure a girl feels
walking In the midnight.
I wish you knew her parent's anxiety,
until she reaches home all right.

I wanted to tell you ,
but I'm already dead.
My parents didn't want a daughter.
So they killed me instead.

K.C. Waghela


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