Satan's Art

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Love, oh Satan's Art,
We believe love is magical,
But magic is deceitful.
To fall for, be fallen for,
seems vulgar, so farcical.

We see love in a different light,
With colours so beautiful, alluring,
Tending to blind your sight.
Love, oh Satan's Art,
It pulls you, dissolves you,
And slowly, you break apart.

Tears, the silent language of grief,
Speak everything, so silently.
Lonely, as you don't fit in,
You submerge in misery.
Love, oh Satan's doorstep,
You choose to love someone,
More than yourself.

This is how it's always been,
Ever since Adam and Eve.
So, would you ever atone the sin,
Of choosing one's soul,
Over your own being?

~ K.C.Waghela

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