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Hope you remember me
walking down a lonely road.
Reminiscing all the things we did
and all the stuff we explored

Hope you remember me
on a train journey.
Won't you visit all them places
that we failed to see?

Hope you remember me
on some dark and cold but an amative rainy night
Struggling so uneasily, craving to see
fearing yet that you wouldn't catch my sight.

Hope you remember me
as you sleep beside someone that I could never be
Hope you remember me
when he whispers things in your ears which I could never speak

Hope you remember me
as you smile at him
Do you look for me
in him somewhere within?

As in the end,
with utter sadness, I shall say
Hope you remember me never.
As we both knew,
I had to leave one day
if not your life, this world forever.

~Someone who loved you but wasn't meant for you.



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