Chapter Fourteen :-)

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Harry's POV

We look at Hogwarts. Hermione's voice rung in the air "Harry..." I turned to see Hermione staring at the full moon. Professor Lupin became rigid and his fingers started twitching. "Remus, old friend... Did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius asked him. Professor Lupin shakes his head, twitching. "Run. All of you. Now!!" but none of us do. Sirius stepped forward and wrapped his arms around professor Lupin.

He whispered loudly to him "You know the man you truly are, Remus. This is flesh. Only flesh. This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!!" He said pounding his chest. Rose who was lying on my shoulder was now awake. I put her down and put her behind me.

As Lupin's wand fell Pettigrew leaped towards it. " Expelliarmus!" Professor Lupin's wand flies from Pettigrew's hands. He slowly turned and gins hideously and transformed to a rat. I watched as he darted away. I couldn't do anything. A howl pierces the air. Professor Lupin... He was no longer human. With a shrug, Lupin tossed Sirius aside.

Hermione and me edge back, but Rose walked towards him. "Rose no!" I said grabbing her arm, pulling her back. She turned and smiled "I can make him calm." "What..." "I can do it." "Let her Harry." Hermione told me. "Maybe she can, she has never lied has she?" I reluctantly let her arm go. But kept my wand ready just in case. She walked towards him with one of her hand out. Professor Lupin the werewolf now looked at her with those black eyes under the moon. She stopped right in front of him with her hand out.

The werewolf looked in her eyes and leaned to her stretched out hand. What is happening here?! Rose rubbed his head slowly. He was calming down! Oh my god! This is unbelievable. Hermione and Ron were also watching the scene with curiosity and fascination.

"OUT OF THE WAY!!" A voice shouted and grabbed Rose near him. Snape... Yes, of course always ready to ruin things which are going good isn't he?! He had his wand in one hand and carried Rose like a puppy in the other. Rose was trying to escape shouting at Snape to let her go. But he paid no attention to her. Stupid git.

The werewolf's eyes blaze as Snape backs up shielding us. It then gave a horrifying growl preparing to pounce.

He sprints forward, when Sirius as a dog intercepts it mid-air. They fall back to the ground, Sirius kept trying to push the werewolf back but the werewolf was too strong. "SIRIUS" "PADDY!!!!" Rose and I screamed as the werewolf tossed Sirius into the grass like he was a rag doll. I push past Snape and dashed to Sirius. I can hear Rose and Hermione shouting my name behind me. But I just ran toward him.

Hermione's POV

Rose stopped struggling against Snape and glared at him "I was calming pwofessor Lupin down!! It is because of you Paddy got hurt!!" she said crying and screaming. He then put a spell on her and made her sleep. He gave her to me and put a spell to carry Ron to the hospital wing. "Get them to the hospital wing and inform Dumbledore of what happened! Fast!!" He told me then ran towards the forest.

Time Skip(Hospital Wing)

"Harry!" I said. "I saw my dad." He said looking at Rose who was sleeping smiling sadly. "What?" "He sent the dementors away... I saw him. Across the lake..." I took a glance at Ron and turned back. "Listen Harry. They've captured Sirius. Any minute now they are going to perform the kiss." "The kiss??" This boy! He needs to read! "It's what dementors do to those they want to destroy. They clamp their jaws over the victims mouth and... Suck out their soul." "You mean, they are going to kill Sirius?"

"Kill Paddy?" A voice came from our right. It was Rose. She was awake and listening. Harry got up and sat her in his lap and whispered "No one is getting killed! We will save him." "You promise?" She asked "I promise" He said. He then sat her beside Ron and came to me. "It is worse! Much worse. You keep on living. But you have no memory. No sense of self... You are just a shell... An empty shell..."

Just then Headmaster Dumbledore came in. "Santa? Santa can save Paddy!" I heard Rose say. "Headmaster! You've got to stop them! They have got the wrong man!!" I said to him. "Its true sir! Sirius is innocent..." Harry continued. "Its Scabbers who did it!" Ron exclaimed. "Scabbers?..." He looked confused. "My rat, sir. Only he's not really Well, he was a rat. You a rat. See, he used to be my brother Percy's..." Again... He goes blabbering... it is the time!! "The point is... we know the truth. Please, sir, you must believe us." I interrupted.

"I do, Miss Granger. But I'm sorry to say the word of three thirteen year old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." As he turns towards window, a shooting star plummets through the sky. "Ahh... a shooting star. If ever one was to make a wish, now would be the time. But time, I'm afraid, is precisely our problem..." Just then the midnight bell began the chime, Ding! Ding! "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and, when meddled with... dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the dark Tower."

He turned to me, and said "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would, I feel, do well to return before this last chime. If not... well, the consequences are really too ghastly to discuss. Three turns should do it, I think. If you succeed, more than one innocent life may be spared tonight." I now get it!! I have to use my time turner!!! He gave Harry and me a chocolate stick and left. Before leaving he turned " By the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck." And he left.

Ron's POV:

"What the hell was all that about?!?!" What was he blabbering about?? She didn't reply. Instead, she gave her chocolate stick to Rose and then she looped her long pendant chain around Harry's neck and her own. She turned to me "Sorry, Ron. But seeing as you can't walk..." They disappeared all of a sudden. The door opened and in came Hermione and Harry. "How'd you two get over there? I was just talking to you... over there." Rose jumped out of the bed and hugged Harry. "How did you get here?? You were just standing there? Did you save Paddy??" she asked him. "Yes we did!"

Author's Notes:

Hey guys!!! I am so sorry for the late and short update! I will update again in a few days!!

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