Chapter Eighteen :-)

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The village under a dark sky. Still as stone. We rake past the tombstone which all has the same surname: RIDDLE and the same year of death 1943.

In a distance, on a hill stood a manor under the moon. At the base of the hill, is the gardener's cottage. A crooked figure slants past the cottage window. The man sets a kettle on the stove and with a shaky hand adjusts the flame. Something flickers softly as he turned around.

At the top of the hill, there is a light on in one of the windows of the manor. He left the cottage with the walking stick in hand. He limps onto the yard and approaches the door which is almost completely covered in ivy and fits the key into the lock.

The knob squeals as he entered the manor. He limps and reaches the top. At the end f the hallway, stood a door slightly ajar. He edges closer and sees the narrow slice of the room in front of him. He heard voices from within.

"But... Why here my lord? It seems so... inhospitable." A voice quivered. "How fastidious you have become, Wormtail. As I recall, only recently you called the nearest gutterpipe home. Could it be that the task of nursing me has become worrisome for you?" Another voice answered.

"No, my lord! I only meant..." Wormtail tried to defend himself. "I have my reasons for coming here. Thirteen years of reasons." The lord said. "Perhaps if we were able to do it without the boy..." Wormtail suggested. "No. The boy is everything."

Just then the tip of the gardener's walking stick vibrates against the floorboard. He looks at it curiously and froze to see a giant snake emerge from the shadows behind him. As it skims past his shoes and into the room as a eerie hiss greets his arrival.

The voice then said, "Nagini has some interesting news Wormtail. According to her, there is an old muggle standing just outside this room." The door slams open to show Wormtail. "Where are your manners, Wormtail? Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting..." the voice says. A green light flashes as Harry woke up.

Harry's POV

I bolt up straight with a little gasp. I have been having these dreams for a few days now. I can feel the pain in my scar as a wince and hold it hoping to lessen the pain. I see across the room where Ron lay sleeping.

"Having a bit of a lie in are we?" Hermione said grinning, standing by the doorway. "Hemione when did you get here?!" I asked. "Just now? You?" "Last night"

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed covering up his naked chest. "oh honestly. Come on. Get yourself dressed or we will miss the whole thing!"

Time skip

Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and I trail behind a huffing Arthur Weasley. I was carrying Rose on his back. "Where is it exact it, Where are we going?" I asked. "Donno. Say, dad. Where are we going?" Ron asked his dad. "Haven't the foggiest." Replied Mr. Weasley.

Hermione and I exchanged glances when someone appeared on top. "Arthur! Its about time son." He said. "Sorry Amos. Afraid we got a bit of a sleepy start." Mr. Weasley said. He then turned to us and said, "This is Amos Diggory everyone. Works with me at the ministry. And this is strapping lad must be Cedric right?" He asked shaking hands with the handsome seventeen-year-old boy.

"Sir." Cedric said as he shook hands. "Merlin's Beard! You're Harry Potter, aren't you? Ced's talked about you, of course. About playing quidditch against you last year. I told him, Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will: You beat Harry Potter! Oh and is that Little Rose? He told me about her too. Sweet little girl." Amos said.

"Harry fell off his broom, dad. I told you, it was an accident..." said Cedric. "Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you? Best man won. I'm sure Harry would say the same." He said.

Mr. Weasley cleared his throat, "Well, shall we? Don't want to be late." "Ha. Oh right. Its over there." Amos Diggory said. I looked to where Diggory was pointing and there was a old boot there.

"Rosie bunny... wake up." I said waking Rose up. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed it still sleepy. I moved her from my back to my chest. She hugged me as she tried to wake up completely. One of the twins picked her up from me and cradled her. "It's better if I have her for this." He said.

I was about to ask him for what but we were instructed to stand around the boot in a circle and grab the boot. I leaned to Fred I think, "Can you tell me why we're all pressing our fingers to this manky old boot?" "This isn't just any manky old boot mate. It's a portkey." He replied. "Hold on tightly sweetie." I heard George tell Rose.

"A portkey? What's a..." I didn't get to finish what I was asking as the sky began spinning and spinning faster as it went. I then slammed hard onto the ground as the others fell beside me. I looked around for Rose and saw her sitting on top of George wide awake. "I did not like that." She said.

"That will clear your sleepiness eh?" said Mr.Weasley. "And I thought I hated Floo powder" I said to myself. 

Author's Note 

Hey guys! I know it's a bit late but... Happy New Year!! I hope you have an amazing year! But do stay safe as covid is yet not over! Have a blast guys! 

Andddd This is the actual start of Goblet Of Fire!! Yeassss! I am so excited!!! But until the next chapter... bye byeee! and Love ya guys!🖤

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