Chapter Ten :-)

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(The clock tower after a few weeks)

Harry's POV

I stared out of the window at the ragged line of students following professor McGonagall towards the bridge. Rose decided to stay with me cause she didn't want me feeling lonely. But I could tell she wanted to go. So both of us came to a decision. We are going and there is no stopping us.

I took my invisibility cloak. I bent down and told Rose to climb up on my shoulders. Once she was comfortable on my shoulders I started walking to towards the bridge to follow the other students. And I could tell Rose was enjoying the view from my shoulders.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Fred and George appear and escorted me... No, more like carried me away. Seeing them Rose got even excited and started giggling... I didn't know she liked them so much. Fred or George I don't know who said "Clever, Harry" Then the other one continued "But not clever enough" The first one again said "Besides we've got a better way"

They took me to the entrance hall. I took off my invisibility cloak. One of them took Rose off my shoulders and took her in his arms. "George!!!" She literally shouted and hugged his neck. So that was George. Fred pouted and said "What about me Rosie?? I feel left out." She being the sweet girl she is tried going to Fred, but George refused saying "What!! No, Rosie is mine!" Now it was time for me to interrupt before they steal my baby sis from me... No, I am not jealous! "Hello?? I am here?? What did you kidnap me for now?" I said frowning taking my sister from George. And yes she stays with me.

Fred took a roll of parchment saying "Yeah I almost forgot" And apparently Rose recognised the parchment as she said "The map!!" all excited with her eyes sparkling. Cute! Fred replied "Yes Rosie dear... It is the map!" I was confused "What map?" to which George replied " This one" while Fred gave me the parchment. I put Rose down and took the parchment. I opened it. It was blank. Are they trying a prank on me this time? "What is this rubbish?" I asked.

Rose said almost offended "That is not rubbish" To which Fred said "Rubbish he says. That there's the secret to our success." George continued "It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." Fred continued "But we've decided your need's greater than ours. George, if you will..." But Rose started jumping up and down "No!! I want to do it!! Please please pleaseeeeee! Can I???" Fred looked at her and said "I guess you can little bunny!"

I bent down to her height and showed the paper to her. She touched the parchment saying "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" Words started appearing on the top of the paper. I read the words out loud "'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present 'The Marauder's Map'...?" To which George said "Ah... Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. We owe them so much. And you will have to use your wand while saying the words. Only rose can do it without her wand! Isn't it amazing!!?"

I replied "Yeah... It is" I opened up the parchment and couldn't believe my eyes. "Hang on. This is Hogwarts! And..." I saw some footprints labelled Dumbledore "that... No. Is that really..." Then the twins did their thing "Dumbledore." "In his study." "Pacing." "Does that a lot" I interrupted and asked "You mean, this map shows..." They got what I was about to ask and continued with their twin telepathy thing. "Everyone" I asked "Everyone?" George replied "Everyone" Fred said "Where they are..." "What they are doing..." "Every minute..." "Of everyday"

I was astonished "Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Fred answered me "Nicked it from Filch's office, of course, first year. Now listen. There's seven secret passageways out of the castle. But we'd recommend..." "This one." They said together. George said pointing in the map "The One-Eyed Witch on the third floor." I stammered "The one eyed..." Fred continued for me "Witch, right. But you best hurry. Filch is heading this way." As they were leaving Fred added "Oh. And, Harry? When you're done, make sure to give it a tap and say, 'Mischief managed.' Otherwise, anyone can read it. And bye little bunny!" Rose waved back to them "Bye Fred!! Bye bye George!!"

To which I heard George saying to Fred "Ha!! See she likes me more... She said two byes to me" Fred replied "That's because she wants you gone" sticking his tongue out to George as they left. "Let's go now shall we now, Rose?" She as excited as ever said "Lets go!!" walking the wrong way with her hand pointing. I laughed and took her hand and turned her to the right direction "It's this way little one."

I approached the statue of the one eyed witch. Rose pulled my hand and said "Look at the map" and I did. A little speech bubble appeared near the names 'Harry Potter' and 'Rose Potter' saying "Dissendium" I read it out loud. The witches eye opened with a click and moved to reveal a dark opening on the floor. I took Rose's tiny hand and we both proceeded into the darkness.

(Inside Honeydukes cellar)

I first lift Rose out and then pull myself out. I heard a door bang open and chatter from above. So, Rose and me hid nearby. I saw a man's boots descend down the stairs. After they left I took out the invisibility cloak and told Rose to stay close to me and stay silent until we find Ron and Hermione. I am sure they said they were going to the shrieking shack.

(Near the shrieking shack)

I heard some voices nearby and one of them was Malfoy's. So, I told Rose to stay nearby while finish some unfinished business AKA Revenge.

Authors note:

Yes, I am still alive. I am very sorry for the delay in the update. Hope you enjoy the story

Stay at home safe and sound.

Harry Potters Little sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora