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(In Lupin's Classroom)

Harry's POV

The tall wardrobe rattled violently as we watch it wearily, whereas Rose watched it curiously from the table next to Professor Lupin on which she was sitting. "Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?" Professor Lupin asked. To which Seamus replied in a hushed voice "That's a Boggart, that is.". "Very good, Mr. Finnigan. Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin asked again.

"No one knows." A voice suddenly came up. Ron jumped up, glanced at Hermione and whispered to me "When'd she get here?" I was wondering the same thing. How come she pops out of no where nowadays? But she continued answering to Professor Lupin's previously asked question "Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That's what makes it so –"

Professor Lupin continued her sentence from there " Terrifying, yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!" Of course we all repeated after him. I also saw Rose repeating it with us. I smiled and continued. Not before hearing Draco muttering "It's this class that's ridiculous." I swear I am going to bash his head into something if he says one more word.

"Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Neville, come up here, will you?" Neville stepped forward obviously uncomfortable. "What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?" Professor Lupin asked him softly. "Profter... Snafpt..." Neville muttered almost inaudibly. "Didn't catch that, Neville, sorry." "Professor Snape." He said more audibly to which everyone laughed.

Professor nodded and asked "Hmmm... yes. Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?" "Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either." I smiled a bit. "It won't. But I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind. Can you do that?" Professor Lupin instructed him. Neville closed his eyes and muttered "She carries a red handbag..." Professor interrupted him "That's fine. We don't need to hear it. If you see it, we will. Now, when I open this wardrobe, Neville, here's what I want you to do..." He leaned to his ears and whispered something. Neville seemed shocked and uncertain for a few seconds. But Lupin smiled at him encouragingly and said "You can do this, Neville." Neville nodded and took a deep breath. "Right then. Wand at the ready. One. Two. Three!"

Sparks jet from Lupin's wand, strikes the doorknob, and the wardrobe busted open. Instantly, Snape appeared and stalked forward. Neville backed away frightened. "Think, Neville. Think!" Professor Lupin encouraged Neville. "R-r-riddikulus!" Neville stuttered. With a crack, Snape reappeared in a long, lace trimmed dress, a moth-eaten hat, and a crimson handbag. The entire class roared with laughter except for the Slytherins. I even saw Rose giggling a bit. Lupin put some music and pointed at Ron next. "Ron! Forward!" Snape disappeared and in his place stood a giant spider. Lupin put a hand on Ron's shoulders to steady him. Ron raised his wand "Riddikulus!" With a crack there were roller skates on its feet and was staggering to stay in place.

"Parvati" Professor Lupin called out. Now in the place of the spider stood a vampire. "Riddikulus" now the vampire was dressed as Carmen Miranda.

"Mr. Thomas" this time the boggart changed into a giant cobra. "Riddikulus" the cobra transformed into a jack in the box.

Next up is me. I saw its face stagger to mine, becoming more sinister, transforming into..... a Dementor? The music suddenly started to fade away. I started to raise my wand, then I froze. I want to move and tell the spell. The dementor loomed closer and closer to me. Professor Lupin suddenly steps in between. The boggart changed. Moon and clouds? "Riddikulus" the moon deflates like a balloon and went back to the wardrobe. But the spell was not told by Professor Lupin. We turned toward Rose who was pointing her tiny finger to where that boggart was. "That thing was bothering Harry." She said pouting. Did she just do wandless magic?? Something that even sixth years struggle on??

Professor Lupin snapped out of it and "Well done, everyone. I think that's enough excitement for today." Every other student exited chattering excitedly about what just happened.

Nothing much happened for the rest of the day. Rose got along quite well with Professor Snape which was really shocking for me. She kept pointing to the ingredients and asking Snape what those were while we were making a potion.

In Professor McGonagall's class she was colouring In her drawing book quietly.

Time skip (In the Gryffindor Home room)

We were trying to teach some simple 1st year spells to Rose it was mostly Hermione. She wanted to she if Rose could do more wandless magic. "Rose, say wingardium Leviosa and try to lift the feather up." I saw Rose point her finger to the feather placed in front of her. "Wingadium levioa" "Its not wingadium levioa, it is wingARdium leviOSA" this time I interrupted her. "Come on Hermione, you cant expect her to tell it perfectly. She is still three year old. Let her have a bit of fun." I sent her off to play with Fred and George.

"Harry, she did a third-year spell wandless! Even sixth years have difficulty in those. You know that right?" she argued "Of course I do. And I am proud that my sister can perform it. But she has to have fun and enjoy this stage of life. She shouldn't be cooped up studying just because she can perform wandless spells. I had to mature my mind at a young age because of my aunt and uncle. So I just want her to enjoy at least until she starts schooling." She sighed and said "Fine. Ill let this go for now." We heard gagging coming from next to us. We turned to Ron to see him eating some Bertie Botts every flavour beans. He looked up to see us staring at him "What? I got ear wax." I shook my head. He is hopeless.

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