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Harry's POV

After dinner we went to our Gryffindor tower with Rose. While Fred and George stole her and kept her busy showing her some of their pranking stuff I explained Ron and Hermione the story. They listened till end.

"So, she was stuck in the vortex of time and escaped two years ago? But why didn't anyone know about her? And why didn't Dumbledore tell this to you before? Why now?" Yup, Hermione asked this. "My guess is that mom and dad wanted her to be a secret because it could also put her in danger. Dumbledore said that I was too young to know about her. Not that I am an adult now, it could also be because Sirius Black escaped." I answered.

"So, she is going to living in our dorm? With us, boys?" Ron asked to which I answered "Yup, she is my long lost sister and I am not letting her out of my sight. That's why I am going to set some rules for our dorm room guys and you." "What?? But why??" "I don't want you guys scaring my sister's eyes or scaring her, etc, etc. So, Ron come with me to the room. And Hermione you can continue with your homework."

Ron and I went to our room, thankfully all the guys are here. Seamus came up to me and asked "Dude, do you know why there is an extra bed here? And a trunk too? And congratulations on finding your sister dude" "thank you Seamus.That is what I wanted to talk to you guys about." Turned to everyone and said " Come on guys I have something to say" The guys came and sat in a circle along with me. After they settled down, I continued "So, guys as you came to know today, I have a little sister. And she is going to be staying here with us in our room." To which Neville asked "How can she stay with us? In a boys dorm?" "Neville, she is my sister that I just found out about. For my entire life I thought that I didn't have a family and that I was alone. Now that I know that I have a little sister I don't want her away from me. I want her next to me all the time. I want to know her. Can you guys please support me in this?" After a few seconds there was a chorus of yes's coming from the guys.

So, now it is time to lay the rules. "As she is the only girl in our dorm and my little three year old I am going to put some rules. Any objections?" they all shook their heads and said no. "Rule no.1: no running around naked or in boxers. Rule no.2: No using of bad words around my sister. These are the only rules I am keeping for now. Rule no.3 : No talks about mature things around my sister. Ok?" "ok" "will be done" "understandable"

I nodded my head hearing those replies. Ok, now where is my sister? Wait I left her with the twins. THE TWINS!!!!! I rushed down to see Fred and George teaching my sister to use dung bombs. I ran to my sister and took her in my arms. "Fred, George, NO teaching my sister how to prank people or using her to prank others. Understood?" for I don't know who replied " come on Harry don't be a spoilt sport" and walked away waving bye to Rose for which she waved back innocently. I turned to her "Rose, did they teach you how to use the dung bomb?" "Yes, Brother" She called me brother *swoon* what no, I should not fall for it. "you should not use those on people ok?" "But why brother?" "It will make them feel sad" "But it is just for fun right?" she asked pouting. "Yes it is fun for us but not to the people it is used on." "Ok, Brother. But can I use it sometime with the twins. Pweaseeeee?" she asked using her puppy dog eyes. Dang those twins they must have taught her this. Resist it Harry, you can do this. No I cant, its too strong and cute. I gave in. "Fine, but only once ok? And only with the twins." She grinned and replied "Ok brother. Thank you" and gave me a kiss in the cheeks. Aww.

I took her to our dorm and introduced to the guys. She got along nicely with them. After a while of talking she yawned. Cute. I looked at the time and noticed that it was past bed time for her. So I put her to bed. She started sleeping as soon as her head hit the pillow.

After a while we all went to bed too. Before sleeping I looked at her once more and thanked god for not leaving me alone in this world.

Harry Potters Little sisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ