Chapter Sixteen :-)

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Harry's POV

(Time Skip) (Hogwarts Express)

We were going back to the Dursley's for the summer, unfortunately. I wanted to go with Sirius, but it is not possible with him being a escaped fugitive for now. At least I have Rose with me this time. I am not sure if they will treat her any different from me. Thankfully we will be living there for only about two weeks, then we will be living with the Weasley's. The Quidditch World Cup was coming up and the Weasley's invited us and Hermione with them.

I looked at Rose who was sleeping on my Lap. She gave her Phoenix, Spark (she named him) to Ron to take care of him as definitely the Dursley's will not be pleased to have another magical bird in their home. She loves and takes care of Spark very well. She never once forgot to feed him. She spent a lot of time with Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore learning how to take care of Spark.

"Hope they treat her well..." Hermione said. "Just send me a letter if you want us to pick you up earlier. We will come immediately." Ron said. "Its alright Ron. I think we can manage. I already told her they might be a bit rude, but let's see how it goes." I said sighing. After a while the train stopped announcing that we were back in London.

I gently woke Rose up. "We are here Rose." She yawned and looked around. "Okayy" She said standing up and rubbing her eyes. I took both our trunks and placed it on the trolly. She sat on top of the trunks swinging her legs back and forth.

"Harry! My boy!" Mrs. Weasley asked as she pulled me into a hug. "How are you?!" "I am good Mrs. Weasley!" She looked at Rose who was watching us curiously. "Oh! You must be Rose! You look so cute! I am sorry for how Ron was to you before. He is grounded for two weeks for that."

"Eh! But I just got back!" Ron whined. "Its alright. He didn't mean to." Rose said shyly. "No it is not my dear." She said. "I swear she loves them more than she loves us George." "Its true Fred." "We are forever unloved." George said fake crying into Fred's shoulders. Rose got off the trunk and hugged their legs "But I love you!" She said.

"Awww! Our babie bunny! I wish I could steal you and keep you with me forever!" Fred said taking Rose and sandwiched her between him and George. I got in between "No one is stealing my sister!" I said taking her from them. "Awww!" They whined.

"Come on Rose, We need to see Uncle, Auntie and Cousin Dudley. We can't make them wait can we?" She nodded sadly as she buried her head in my shoulder. I gently patted her head "Lets say bye to our friends shall we?" "Okayy..."

We turned to the Weasley's and Hermione. "Bye guys! See you in two weeks!" "Bye byee..." Rose said waving her hand. "Aww Don't be sad little munchkin! Its just two weeks!" One of the twins started "Then we will see you again yeah?" and the other ended it. "Okay!" she replied smiling.

"Bye Rose! Be a good girl Okay? When you come back I will teach you spells yeah?" Hermione said "Really?!" Rose asked "Yup!" "When you get back I will get you some candy? Deal?" Ron asked. Rose nodded happily. "For now have this!" He said handing her a lollipop. She took it, unwrapped it immediately and put it in her mouth. "Yemmiee!" She said with the lollipop in her mouth.

"We will see you guys in two weeks yeah? If the Dursley's give you any trouble, we are just a owl away!" Mrs. Weasley said.

We said our final goodbyes and left the station. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were waiting for us outside with their car. I sighed as a trolleyed both our trunks towards them. "Hello Uncle Vernon. Hello Aunt Petunia." "So you finally came. How long were you gonna make us wait?! Huh!" He then looked at Rose who was standing beside me. I moved a bit so she would only be half seen. I don't need this fat ass to scare my sister within the first few seconds of meeting her.

"So this is your brat of a sister huh? Now you are my problem for the next two weeks. You better not make any noise or disturb us or our Dudley. You got it?" He said. Rose gabbed my pants as she replied. "Okay Uncle." She said looking at the ground.

This son of a bitch. I gotta send a letter to the twins. "Vernon! She is just a kid." Aunt Petunia said. "Huh whatever! What are you waiting for boy put your things into the car and get inside. Don't waste my time!" He said. I nodded and did what he told me to do.

Our ride to their house was silent as ever. Rose was eating her lollipop the whole ride looking outside the window. When we got there, Dudley opened the door. He looked at me "It's definitely not nice seeing you again. Who is the kid?" He asked. Before I could answer Uncle Vernon answered for me, "That's the Brats little sister." "A sister with both your parents dead?! You are weird and disgusting!" He said.

I felt Rose grab my pant again. "Give your stick here boy." I looked at him hesitating to give him my wand. "Give it here or I take it and break it. Your choice. I don't need you doing your weird stuff in my house." I gave him my wand. "Now go to your room. Its upstairs. Both you can share beds. I don't want to spend anymore on waste of spaces."

I grabbed our trunks and told Rose to follow me. We reached our room. I put the trunks down and closed the door. "Hey Rose. Honey. Don't listen to them alright? They are big meanies." "Okay..." She said with her voice breaking at the end. "Hey hey sushh... Its alright. I am right here with you okay?" I said hugging her.

I can feel my shirt getting wet with her tears. A few mins later she sniffled and got out of my arms. "They are meanies!" She said with a angry pout on her face. "Meaniesss!" "Yes they are." "Fred and George said not to cry because meanies. So no crying." She said. I laughed a bit "Okay! No crying."

I gave her a hug again. We then heard a knock "Dinner is ready come and eat." I heard Aunt Petunia say.

The dinner went pretty silent and smooth so I guessit was good. After getting to our room, I put Rose to sleep and started writingdifferent letters to Ron, Hermione and the Twins.

Author's Note!!

Hey guys! Yeah I am extremely late for the update and I am a horrible person for that. I am so sorry! 

But I hope you enjoy this update! This is the start for Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire! Lets see what happens, shall we?!

And OMG! The support I get from you guys is amazing! Thank you very much for that! the comments, the votes, everything is so... I don't have enough words to express how happy and grateful I am to all of you! Thank you very much!❤ Love you guys! ❤

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