Chapter Fifteen :)

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Time skip (Lupin's Office, Next day)

Harry's POV

Rose and I walked towards professor Lupin's door and peered in. Without turning he said "Hello Harry! Hello Rose!" I jumped and Rose gasped in shock and asked excitedly "How did you know?!?!" "Saw you coming." He said pointing at the map which was laying open in the bare desk. I looked at Lupin's appearance I was not able to hide my shock.

"I've looked worse, believe me." We looked at the bare shelves and drawers. "Are you leaving??" Rose asked. "You've been sacked." I said. It is all Snape's fault. "Resigned actually." Lupin told us. "Resigned?! But why??" I asked. "It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition." "Snape." I said.

He said, "Whoever. It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a... Some one like me... Teaching their children." "But Dumbledore..." "Has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, People like me, well... Let's just say I am used to this by now. But before I go tell me about your Patronus." I replied, "Well. At first I thought it was a horse, or a unicorn, but I think it was..." "A stag." Lupin finished. "Yes" I said.

"Your father used to transform into that one. That's how he was able to keep me company when I became... Sick. He was a great friend James." Lupin smiled warmly. Rose hugged his legs "I will Miss you" Lupin bent to her height and hugged her back. "I will miss you too little one." He took a chocolate bar out of his pockets and gave it to her. "Be good with your brother and don't go causing trouble." "Okayy" She replied.

He then took the suitcase then stopped. "There are stories about him and your mother, you know. Some are even true. But I think it's safe to say, in the end, you'll know them best by getting to know yourself." Lupin then with a wicked twinkle raises his wand. "Mischief Managed." I watched the map go blank, then looked back and Lupin was gone. "Whoaa! HE left." Rose looked in wonder.

Time Skip (The great hall)

There was a group crowding around the table with Ron shouting "Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!" I looked at Hermione who cleared her throat loudly. Then everyone started talking all at once. Neville said, "Harry! Wherever did you get it!" Seamus said, "Can I have a go Harry? After you of course..."

Ron shouted "Quiet!!!" They all silenced "Thank you! Let the man through." I was extremely confused. As I walked forward they made way and cleared my view. Ron had a broomstick in his hands with a label gleaming 'FIREBOLT'.

"Whose is that?" I asked. Everyone laughed as Ron replied "Whose is it? Its yours mate." "Who?... But how?" "It's a mystery. Though... this fell put of the wrapping?" She replied as she holds a feather. "That's a hippogriff feather..." I stop, realising who it is from. I can't believe he spent that much on me.

Suddenly a loud cry echoed around the hall. We all looked up to see a Phoenix entering our hall gracefully flying in. It flew in a couple of circles before flying down towards us. We took a step back. It then landed in the table right in front of my sister who was watching it in awe. The Phoenix had a Hippogriff feather in its beak. It placed it right in front of her.

Rose took the feather in her hand and looked at it. She then looked at the Phoenix which stepped closer to her. Rose raised her hand and slowly extended it to the Phoenix. It looked at her and flew a bit right on her extended arm. Rose raised her other hand and petted the bird. She turned to me and said with a big grin on her face "I think it likes me!!"

He gifted her a phoenix... Whoa!! We all looked at the scene in awe. Ron finally ended the silence, "That is a bloody phoenix!!! Holy shit!" Hermione smacked his head "Language Ron." Sirius is the best!


Hey Guysss!! Hope all of you are safe and healthy! 

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