Chapter Twenty-three

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"But there must be something you want," Jennie begs Lisa.

Lisa isn't surprised. They've been having the same conversation ever since Jennie found out it was Lisa's birthday tomorrow. That, and Jennie's apologised a lot for forgetting, Lisa forgave her pretty easily.

"I've told you Jennie, you don't have to get me anything," Lisa repeats for what seems like the thousandth time.

"But I want to."

"I want doesn't get."

"So does that mean I don't want does get? Because you're saying you don't want a present Lisa you know."

Lisa rolls her eyes and shakes her head before quickening her pace so that she can speed away from Jennie. At first Jennie's surprise gives her the advantage but Jennie quickly catches up to Lisa with a little run, despite Lisa's longer strides.

"Please Lili," Jennie says, "anything, I'll get you anything."

"Some peace and quiet would be nice," Lisa tells Jennie sarcastically, "but you appear to be incapable of providing that."

"Feisty," Jennie replies teasingly, "seriously though Lili, let me get you something."

"You know what I want?"


"I want you to not get me anything."


"Seriously Jennie," Lisa's tone is serious and she spins around to face Jennie, "I don't want anything from you, please, please, don't buy me anything. It would just be weird."

"Why would it be weird?"

"We've barely know each other that long."

"I've known you long enough to want to buy you a present," Jennie says.

"Look I just don't want you spending money on me, I hate it when people do that."

Lisa can tell that Jennie is about to say something else but Lisa quickly cuts her off with a not-so-subtle change of topic.

"So that new John Green film looks good hey..."

"Lili," Jennie tries to interrupt.

"... I mean I actually didn't like The Fault In Our Stars that much ..."


"... I felt like it was more about infatuation than love and would the film really have been such a big deal ..."

"Lisa," Jennie growls.

" ... if the guy hadn't died, like seriously? I mean it was good but it wasn't great if you know what I mean."


"Yes?" Lisa replies, innocence seeping into her tone.

"What do you want - ?"

"Oops, this is my classroom gotta go, I'll speak to you later."

With that Lisa darts through the classroom door and quickly settles into her seat. Lisa has always loved psychology, not just because of the subject itself but also because of how laidback her teacher is. Mr Seungri barely looks up when Lisa practically runs into the room.

Rosé does though, and she has a large smile on her face, Lisa is glad that someone is finding this funny.

"Jennie still bugging you?"

Lisa simply nods in response taking her seat opposite Rosé.

"Why don't you just ask her for a CD or something?"

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