♡ Part 15 ♡

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~• Lando Norris •~

"So this will be the last time we can see each other for a while?" I asked Olivia, trying to control my voice. It was December 28, Olivia was supposed to be going home around 7 a.m. tomorrow. I didn't want her to go home. Olivia turned her head to me and looked me in the eye, really in the eye. She doesn't do that often, she normally looks at her feet, behind me or somewhere else, so I knew she would mean every word she would say. "I don't want to go home." She said softly. My heart felt like it was getting too big for my chest and I smiled at her. I would also go home with my family in a week. We would stay with my grandparents until after New Years. "I don't want you to leave either." I assured her and put my arm around her shoulders. She put her head on my shoulder and it felt so good that she allowed me to hold her. Her little niece had been right about what she told me. Olivia can be difficult to understand at times. There is so much going on in her head and she feels so bad, but I don't know what exactly is going on and I have no idea how to help her. I want to know that so badly, but I don't want to force her to talk. She doesn't seem to want to talk about it. I want to be there for her so badly. I feel like she needs to be saved but doesn't want to be saved. As if she prefers to solve everything herself, even if she doesn't succeed and as if she finds it very difficult to ask for help. Frankly, I don't want her to leave. Not that she's going home, but more importantly, not that she's leaving my life... I've never felt anything like this for a girl. The four months between our meeting at the Belgian Grand Prix and the time we met again, a week ago, had really killed me. I couldn't get her out of my mind. I missed her so much, there was something about her, something between us that I just couldn't forget. I regretted letting her go that August day and wanted to relive every second we spent together. I never talk about girls, especially girls I have recently met, but with Olivia everything was different. I had told George and Charles about her and everything that had happened. They told me to put her out of my mind and forget everything. It was over between us, they said, and we would never see each other again. In addition to that, they said that Olivia probably wouldn't even want me and she wouldn't even care about me. They could talk easily, they both have girlfriends and everything is going well between them. When I told them about our date and everything, they were quite amazed, but they were happy for me too. They wanted me to be careful for both of us. Olivia turned slightly in my arms and looked up at me. "Lando?" She asked what shook me out of my mind. "Yes, what is it?" I wanted to put my arms around her again, but she pushed herself up a bit so she could keep looking at me. "What if I stay longer? I mean, I can explain to Chloe and I just want to stay here a little longer." I heard her say 'with you' softly, but that probably wasn't for me to hear. A big smile came to my face when she told me about this idea. It sounds very cliché, but Olivia, the girl of my dreams, wanted to stay longer in Belgium because of me. "If you really want to and if Chloe and your family are okay with it..." I said. Why not just tell her I loved it? It made me very happy that she wanted this. "I would love it!" I said to her then. She smiled at me, then leaned back against my chest again. She looks so cute and beautiful when she smiles like that and it felt great holding her. I started to get pretty good at seeing if her smiles are real or fake and this one... This one was definitely a real one. Her eyes sparkled and her whole face shone. She should laugh more often, she is so beautiful, but not only that. She is so sweet, a wonderful person and terribly caring. Sometimes it seems like she cares about other people more than herself. She's not close to a lot of people, but the ones she has a strong bond with mean everything to her. The way she talks about her brother is so heartwarming. And then remember, I thought Charlie was her boyfriend... I realized I wish I could one day become one of those people who mean everything to her. Olivia sat closer to me and put her arms around herself. "Are you cold?" I asked her. We sat outside, somewhere in the woods, near our grandparents' houses. We had a beautiful view of the town below us. It looked amazing. It was already quite dark and we looked out over a miniature city filled with lights from houses and lampposts. It had a magical effect, the two of us, here above everything else in the world... She nodded. "Yes, a little bit." I let her go for a moment and took off my coat. It was very cold indeed, but I didn't really care. I put my coat over her shoulders, but she didn't want to take it from me at first. "Come on, Lando. It's too cold for you without a coat!" I loved the way she said my name. Instead of answering, I put both arms around her from behind. She lay down against me and then all the cold disappeared, all that was left were Olivia and me. "Thanks." She whispered in my ear. I'd like to sit here forever. The beautiful view, the soothing sound of Olivia's breath and my arms around her. We sat there for a while in a comfortable silence, both lost in our own thoughts. Then I broke the silence. "Let's go back, it's getting pretty cold." I said and I laughed.She giggled, broke free from my arms and got up. That was when I really felt how cold it was, because I no longer had her to keep me warm. But that was not all I felt at the time. I felt how much I cared for her and realized that maybe I was starting to fall in love with her... I had probably been staring at her for too long, she reached out and helped me to my feet. "Come on, the last person out of the forest will treat to ice cream!" She called and she started to run. I followed her and laughed in my head. She's really addicted to ice cream and even now she wants to get ice cream even when it was after 10pm. The last days from Christmas until now we had seen each other every day and got to know each other better and better. Almost every day we also had an ice cream, if Jon, my trainer, heard about this... I reached Olivia very quickly, I grabbed her hand and put my arms around her. "Do you really think you're faster than me?" I asked her. She was totally out of breath, but she smiled at me and you could see the joy on her face. This made me feel so good and I felt a warm feeling in my stomach when I looked at her. "My condition is so bad." Olivia said, still out of breath, but also smiling. She wanted to stand up, but we still held hands, putting us very close to each other. I looked into her beautiful eyes and she looked deep into mine. She chewed her lip gently, neither of us speaking. Slowly she came closer to me. She stood on tiptoe, even though I'm only a few centimetre taller than she is. I forgot to breathe and my cheeks felt very warm. Her lips looked really soft, they looked so perfect, everything about her looks perfect. She slowly got closer and I leaned towards her a little. I looked her in the eye, she no longer looked scared or insecure, at least not about us, not at the moment. We got closer and closer, our lips almost touching, and I put my hand gently on her back. Then suddenly my phone started to ring. I could shoot myself for not silencing my phone and I could shoot the person who was calling me now. "Sorry." I said to Olivia, she looked at me sweetly, as if to assure me it didn't matter, but to my eyes it really mattered. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Charles. I turned the screen to Olivia and she nodded. "Hi how are you?" Charles asked me when I answered the phone. "Your timing couldn't have been better, thanks for that." I said very sarcastically and Charles started to laugh. Next to me I heard Olivia giggle softly and that surprised me a little. She was still wearing my coat and it was a bit too big which made her look really cute. "Owh, you were busy?" Charles asked and I heard in his voice that he was smiling. "Just tell me why you called." I said instead of answering his question. In the corner of my eye I saw that Olivia was also picking up her phone. She called someone and I saw on her screen that it was Chloe, which made me smile like an idiot. ''As you know, we wanted to meet on New Year's Eve. Charlotte had made a plan..." He said, but I stopped listening. Shit, I completely forgot about this. I was due to go to Monaco in two days to celebrate New Years with Charles, George, Alex, Carlos and their friends. That would mean that Olivia could stay here much longer. I heard Olivia speak. "Hey, I understand Chloe, but I'm not going to be gone for weeks, it's just a few days. I'll be back before school starts again... No, not yet... I just feel like he's different, you know... I will be, promise...'' Listening to a phone call was a bit weird, because I couldn't hear what Chloe was saying. Besides, it didn't feel right to listen in with her without her knowing. I wanted to turn my attention back to Charles when I heard Olivia say something. "I know and that's true, but... Well, I talked to Charlie about it, he said he gave us a chance and I should do the same. Maybe that's what I'm going to do..." She had her back to me and she probably wouldn't know that I could hear everything she said. I had a big smile on my face and I felt so good. She wanted to give us a chance, does that mean... "Lando?" Charles asked, shaking me out of my mind. "Yes, I'm still here." I answered quickly. "Well, uhm... Charlotte heard about Olivia, and if you're serious between you two, you can take her with you." He told me and my heart started to beat faster. What was going on tonight? I thought it was the last time I would see Olivia, then suddenly she told me she wanted to stay longer. Then I heard that she and Charlie wanted to give the two of us a chance and now Charles tells me I can take her to celebrate New Years... "Okay, I'll think about it." I replied trying to hide my happiness. "You can also say; Thank you, I'm really happy." Charles laughed. "You're right." I said and I laughed too. "Thanks buddy, I'll talk to her and let you know about it." We hung up and I turned to Olivia. She looked at me and smiled shyly. She was no longer holding her phone. I was really curious, was Chloe okay with Olivia wanting to stay here for a few more days? I really hoped she was okay with it. "What are you supposed to talk to me about?" Olivia asked. I saw something in her eyes. Excitement? Fear? Uncertainty? Maybe all three. "I completely forgot, but I'm going to celebrate New Year's Eve with Charles, George, Alex and Carlos..." I began. This time I knew for sure what I saw in her eyes. It was disappointment. It felt terrible to see her like this so I quickly continued talking. ''Charles told me all their girlfriends would come too. We celebrate in Monaca, with Charles and Charlotte. If you want you can come with me. Not that we're official yet, but... Well, if you want, we can go together. Then we fly to Monaco in two days..."

I was in my McLaren parked in front of Olivia's grandparents' house. She had gone in to talk to her family about her plan to stay here for a few more days. I was so excited and wanted her so badly to stay here with me for a few more days. Charles's invitation to come to Monaco with her was in my head non-stop. How great would that be? I was also a little nervous if it would actually happen. I've never seriously dated a girl before. Sure, I met a few girls and went on a few dates, but it's not often that I really started to have feelings for them, so we often quit quickly. I have never found a real click with a girl. Only once had I taken a girl to my friends and she totally broke me... That's why I was a little scared in a way. I trusted Olivia, but you never know... Olivia came out and walked over to my car. She opened her- She opened the left car door and sat down. She turned to me and looked me in the eye. "So what do they think?" I asked her and I got nervous how she looked at me. Somehow she looked happy, but another way... Not. "Well, uhm, they're okay with it. I can stay here if we want to, but," She began. I wanted to know what the 'but' was, but I was also scared. "I can't stay with my grandparents. Friends are visiting them for New Years and those friends are coming tomorrow. So yeah, I can go to a hotel or something." She told me and she smiled at me. That damn smile, I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like that smile was just for me. As if we were the only two in the world when she smiles at me. She is so special, so beautiful, so wonderful and I have no idea how to make that clear to her. All I could do for now was be there for her and make sure she feels safe with me. I cannot heal her, I cannot solve all of her problems, and I cannot take her bad feelings, fears and anxiety away from her. But I would do anything to make her feel her best as possible, that's what she deserves and that's one of the things I wanted most. "You, uhm... You can stay with my family with my grandparents." I heard myself how shy I sounded. Olivia turned her head to me and looked surprised. ''Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to, I can book a hotel or something." She said, but I could see the excitement in her eyes. "I know I don't have to do that, but what if I want to do that?" I asked her. She gave me a smile, that damn beautiful smile again. I smiled back at her. ''Seriously, thank you! I have to go in, do we see each other tomorrow?" She asked. "You are really welcome." I said with a smile. "I'll ask my family if they are okay with it too. Shall I pick you up here tomorrow? 9 am?" She nodded and started to get out of the car, but she stopped. The door was already open. She turned back to me. Only now did I realize she was still wearing my coat. She pulled it off and gave it to me. "I know you heard me calling Chloe. I'll give us a chance if we both take this seriously.'' She said, then she leaned over and kissed my cheek. I can't describe how I felt, but it felt so good. She wanted to give me a chance, give us a chance. And yes, the kiss wasn't that bad too, to be honest. Before I could respond, she got out of my car, closed the door, and entered the house. She left me feeling great and I was very excited. I had never felt anything like it. Every second that we were around each other I felt happier than ever, she brought out something in me that no one has ever done. I loved spending time with her and got a weird, but excited feeling in my stomach just thinking about her. Wow, maybe I really started to fall in love with her... After staring at the house for about a minute I started the engine and drove home. Hopefully my family was fine with Olivia staying with us for the next two days, but I didn't expect anything else. I turned on the radio and with a big smile on my face sang along with all the songs until I arrived at my grandparents house.

Hii! This part was pretty long :) Hopefully you liked that and the part himself too! What do you think about Olivia and Lando together? And what about Olivia staying at Lando's family? Do you think that they're going together to Monaco? Let me know! Tips and suggestions and everything like that is very welcome! Lots of love and all the best for you all xx

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