Chapter 14

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Jason's POV

I don't really know what has happened to Cassiey these past few weeks , but she has  become much angrier than during the incident .

I've noticed how she pretends to be like Kayla , and stupidly of Kayla she believes that Cassandra is warming up to her .

But I know , I know her more than she thinks I do . I know how calm she can look and sound when she's really pissed.

I hear a repeated banging sound , and immediate my head whips to the side to see what is happening .

Cassandra is banging her head onto the table .

She says something quite loudly  , but I dont even notice that as I'm concentrated on the fact that she just cursed .

That's highly unlikely . The last time Cassiey swore was when she was beating us up . That never ends well .

We all recover from hearing the display Cassiey has just put for us . I've noticed that Cassandra doesn't even focus during the case . Her lawyer nudges her everytime someone speaks to her directly .

"Council Reese , do you have any witnesses ?" The judge asks .

"Yes your honour . I call to the stand , Mr Jason Smith ." Bella says .

I stand , my knee is still very much painful.  But I can easily cope with it . My arm is not functional at all and I have trouble eating.

I limb up to the stand , I look directly at everyone whose looking at me . I'm trying my hardest not to look as intimidated as I feel .

"Mr Smith , do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth , so help you God?"  the guard says .

I raise my right hand and place my left onto my heart . I nod and then open my mouth to speak  .

"I swear ." I say .  My voice sounds so distant , I haven't heard myself speak in forever.  Since Cassiey  left the house , I'm alone .

The house brings up so many memories  both good and bad . Like the time we first moved into the house , to the time she beat Kayla and I to a pulp . Have to admit though , that was pretty hot .

"Mr Smith , this might be general knowledge but how long have you been with your wife ?" Bella asks .

"Dated for ten years , married for three ." I say completely unbothered , although I am very much bothered .

That's a lot of time to just throw away because of a skank . But no , Kayla is not a skank . I love her , in someway I love her .

"How long have you been with Kayla?" Bella asks .

"Eight . Eight months. " I reply.  As much as i want to look at Cassiey , I fear those dark eyes of hers .

How weird , I thought I was in power . But just one day changed how I view this woman.

"Take us through the weeks that lead to the crime Mr Smith ." Bella says .

She and Kayla are the ones who drafted up the questions , I wasn't in the mood . And now I find questions that make me want slap the both of them .

" Cassandra left to see if her mother was okay . She came back earlier that expected and found me with Kayla ." I say , I know that's not what she asked but I had to see how those words felt in my mouth.

"Mr Smith , I appreciate that you dont want to waste time , but please only answer the questions you are asked ." Bella scolds , who the fuck do you think you are ?

"The weeks leading to that day were eventless . Cassandra was her usual distant human , Kayla was as clingy as ever . And I was as uninterested as ever ." I say , nonchalantly.  Gasps sound from across the room .

I realise that I just called Kayla clingy . Pretty funny if you ask me , but she's probably going to kill me .

"Okay , now was Mrs Smith a violent person by nature all the years you've know her?" The persistent lawyer dares to ask .

Was she ? I mean I've seen her brutally murder a fly , hit a dog with her purse and stomp roaches but that doesn't count right?

"No , she was not violent . That was the first time she had acted that way ." I say , completely honest .

"What would you say had triggered her that day ? " she asks again. Aren't your questions over?

"I dont know . Maybe seeing her husband with another woman ." I say , sarcasm dripping through each word .

"Well that would make sense . Please list any weapons you remember Mrs Smith using. " Bella says.

Oh no , if I do that she'll go to jail . Isn't that what you want ?

My subconscious asks . Yes at first but now I see her pretty face again and I,  I just cant do it .

"Mr Smith?" Bella urges .

But imagine fucking Kayla everyday senseless , without worrying about Cassandra catching us .

" A gun , a meat pounder , her hands and our furniture. " I say . Whuu  , just thinking about fucking Kayla turns me on .

Gasps echo through out the room , I look at Cassandra for the first time since I stood here , she looks completely unbothered .

"Now your honour do you see how violent Mrs Smith can be . If we let her go with a slap on the wrist , she might continue with such inhumane actions,  people in the community are in danger . No further questions your honour ." Bella says .

Cassiey's lawyer comes up to the stand and looks me directly in the eye .

"Mr Smith,  who was the first to throw a hand , during the night of the crime ." She asks , how smart,  she knows that I watched the scene unfold .

"Kayla did ." I say while looking at Kayla , her face scrunches up into a hard scowl . She's very much angry at me .

"Yes , now take us through everything ." She urges me .

"Cassiey punched me so Kayla slapped her.  And after a few back and forth chit chat and insults , Kayla hit Cassiey across the face ." I say . I dont know why she thinks this information is important.

"Now look at it in this way . If it had been Kayla in Cassandra's shoes , you would have said that Kayla was just defending herself right . Self defense? And you would have bailed her out an hour post her arrest . Dont you think Mrs Smith was defending herself ? "

Her question leaves my mouth dry . I have no idea what to say to her . Wow is it hot in here or is it just me ?

Author's note

Sorry for another late update . We've started with our assessments at school . So I put much effort into studying .

What do you think about this chapter ?  Did you enjoy ? Let me know by dropping a comment .🤲❤

Again my Instagram account is @its.nic._

Please follow and spread the word as all my information and updating cycles will be posted there . And my other works too .

Enjoy your weekend (its Friday here in south Africa)

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