Chapter 36

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Ace's POV

"... I dont even know what she meant , I just looked straight at her face and told her the words .

Hey lady . I wanna fuck you , wanna come home with me?" Old man Jay says . We all burst into laughter .

"And did that all work out. " Cassiey asks.

"Oh , hell no! I didnt work ." He says , face straight but a small smile playing g at his lips .

"She said no?" Cass asks in between her chuckles.

"Oh ,no ! Ladies back then wouldn't say no . She smacked me right in the face and then said she'd call the police on me if she ever saw my face again . I swear to God that woman made my life difficult .

She worked at goddamn Walmart,  I went there every week , how could I avoid seeing her . " Old man Jay throws his arms in the air .

Cassiey came here to get a tattoo , she didnt actually tell me what she was getting but she was really excited about it so I'm thinking I'm going to love it .

Hanging out with her and my bros is fun , she's pretty fun to chill with . When the guys are around it doesn't even feel like she's a woman .

Although I stare at her more than I've ever and would ever stare at any of the guys here .

"Almost . " he says , and the machine's loud buzz finally drills through the conversation we'd been having .

"Hey Old man Jay , did you ever have a wife or a kid?" Cassiey asks after a few seconds of silence .

She hates silence as much as I do . The only difference to her and me is that she can actually fill the gap , while I'd make up an excuse to leave or I'd play around with my finger nails.

" A wife ? Do I look like a one woman's man? Cassandra I ain't never had time for that .

I mean anyway , look at what investing your time and energy in one person led to ." He says pointing at us .

"I'd be mad to stay with one woman , cause believe you me , one woman equals an eternity of headaches and hangover and I'm good getting that from bitches at the bar ." He says .

"Yes , and you're good with getting STD from bitches from the bar ." Cassiey says sarcastism dripping through every word .

A chuckle escapes me , I know Jay doesn't believe in sicknesses , he's an odd , odd man .  He throws a hard glare at me , and I avert my gaze to the grey naked wall .

"Dont get smart with me girl , now I'm done with your tattoo . " He says .

A cute squeal escapes her lips . She looks at me from the bed that she's been sitting on with excitement lacing her eyes .

"You ready ?" She asks . I nod , somehow her excitement has rubbed onto me . I feel like jumping up and down and squealing too.  But that'd only make me look gay.

She out reached her hand and right there between her nuckle and finger joint or whatever ‐ I never focused in biology- there is a new tattoo .

" A " is spelled boldly on her index finger .

" C " is spelled boldly too on her middle finger .

" E " is boldly spelled on her wedding finger .

And on her pinky is a boldly drawn Ace sign . " "

My heart swells as I stare at the tattoo.  It makes me feel so special that she'd even think of that .

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