Chapter 107 - Apprehension

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1. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
2. understanding; grasp.
3. the action of arresting someone.

I quickly forgot the incident that happened outside the library as I got stuck into even planning, sample adjusting and project management. Classes, studying and group assignment research kept me at the university during the day hours, worrying and fretting over Wallace and my mother's rescue kept me up during the night time hours.

I didn't hear anything from Wallace or his aide for two days, just like he warned me. Nothing of my mother's rescue or whereabouts, nothing of how Wallace's sting operation was going. After that deadline came and went, I began badgering Particia and Wallace's assistant every day for word from them all, but when three days rolled into five, I was starting to get really concerned. Grandpa called to confirm that the operation was ongoing, and encouraged me to have faith in his son, my step father. I promised him that I would, but found that a really hard thing to do.

The worry was beginning to affect everything I did. My mood swung darker, my focus drifted, and my major clumsiness exerted itself. I kept dropping things: cutlery, coffee mugs, keys, my crutch. Eventually Grant took it upon himself to carry everything for me from house to car, car to class and back again because I'd smashed too many travel coffee mugs.

I had to begin recording lectures each day because I couldn't concentrate in class and forgot much of what was taught. Patricia ended up writing down business notes to remind me of my daily action points. By the afternoon of Sunday, I gave up doing anything constructive and just curled up on the couch watching rom-com re-runs on television.

By the eighth day after Wallace called, I had given up going to classes altogether, especially after being accosted by swimming club bunnies outside the Faculty of Business the day before. Apparently, I was now responsible for Max and Hunter's social activity upset on campus due to my selfish ways. When I asked who Max and Hunter were, that I'd never met anyone by those names, the stupid, overly made-up blond bomb-shells scoffed at my supposed fake denial. I asked them to bother someone else and walked away. Grant chortled once Patricia reminded me who they talking about – Shark One and Shark Two. I shook my head and moved on. It had nothing to do with me.

Grandpa Overmeyer finally called me the afternoon of the ninth day and updated me on Wallace's radio silence. Grant had finally dragged me out of the apartment to the university library to finish of our group assignment. I was watching him complete the final spell and grammar check when my phone rang and Grandpa was able to explain everything that had happened over the last week.

"The kidnapper is an old rival of Wallace's from his university years who took a liking to his new wife, Brooke. Drazdale is the name. He used an old school friend of your mother's to draw her away from the convention that they were both at, drugged her and took her away to a secluded lodge estate up in the highlands, north of the country. She was found by law enforcement, much like Wallace informed us last week, but Drazdale managed to escape with her before Wallace and his team could get her out. That's why it has taken them so long. The team has chased him down to rescue your mother back." I stood up from the table and moved away from the study crowd for privacy.

"Is she OK, Grandpa?" Oh my goddess! Please be OK! Please Mum. I need you to be OK. My hands began shaking and I really wanted to cry, it was all getting too much for me.

"According to the inside team, she is physically fine, refusing any offers given by the rogue, but she's a tough lady. Hang in there, My Girl. Wallace will bring her home soon." He paused as another phone rung in the background where he was. "One moment, that's Wallace now."

"Please keep me on the line. I want to hear." I frantically demanded loudly, scaring the students studying next to me.

"Yes, My Dear." He placed the phone down with a soft 'clack' and I could hear him answer another phone in the background. It was muffled, but I could hear his urgent questions, then relief as he heard Wallace had Brooke back safe and sound. He hung up on his son, then picked up his first call with me.

"She's fine, Lily. He has her at the North Shore National Hospital for a check up but she insists she is perfectly fine." I could hear the relief in his voice.

"Oh my goddess!" I buried my face in my hands, keeping my phone to my ear, trying hard not to cry. "When can I see her? When will she be home?"

"He has kept her in the hospital overnight for observations and will fly her home tomorrow morning. Would you like me to take you to the airport, Lily?" I smiled at his kind offer.

"Yes, please Grandpa. Can we bring Jac-Jac and Eyva with us too, please? I know that this has been hard on them as well." I asked.

"Certainly. I'll arrange with Ms Palmers the timing and pick you up in the morning. Hang in there, my girl." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Thank you Grandpa." I was grateful for his comfort and hung up my cellphone and smiled. At that point, I think that if I hadn't had the brace on my knee, I could have sat down on the library floor right where I was.

"You OK, Lily?" Grant turned me around gently by the arms, which was perfect as I needed a shoulder to cry on. I started bawling, which instantly worried Grant and drew attention to ourselves.

"Is she OK?" a young male voice asked. Another asked if we needed any help.

"She just got some good news, she's OK." Grant waved them all off as he held me as I cried. I didn't take long, just a sudden spike in my emotions and I couldn't hold it all in any more. I pulled away from him, wiping my face and nose on my sleeve.

"I'm OK. Just so happy." I smiled my thanks to those concerned students around us, then noticed two familiar swim jocks packing up my stuff and handing me my bag.

"Are you OK, Ms Twice?" Shark One asked with over exaggerated concern on his face. His brows were pinched just a bit too much. Shark Two held out my packed bag with both hands.

"Thank you, I'm OK. I have to go now." I took the crutch from Grant and waited for him to gather his own study materials and laptop together.

"If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know, Ms Twice." Shark Two asked with a small smile. It would have looked a lot more genuine if he hadn't been staring straight at my boobs as he asked. I rolled my eyes and waved them off as I wiped my nose again.

Grant followed me out of the university library and ordered a taxi, as our early escape from campus was unscheduled and Patricia was at Liberty Building seeing to the renovations of the new tea house.

There was a line of taxis lined up outside the bus stop by the university administration building so it didn't take long for us to find a drive home. I explained to Grant what Grandpa Overmeyer had explained then quickly answered a call came from Wallace's number. He sounded calm and happy as he explained briefly what Grandpa had already explained, then he put my mum on the phone for me.

"Lily Honey, I'm fine. Perfectly fine. I'll see you in the morning as Wallace wants me to have a check up at the hospital overnight," she said in a light tone. She sounded normal and content which was a huge relief.

"Oh, Mum." I began crying again as she tried her best to comfort me over the phone, then proceeded to ask me about my knee, Crystal Pear, the cafe, my studies, Jac-Jac and Eyva. I assured her that everyone was very well, but missing her dearly. We finally said our goodbyes with a date to call after nine in the evening to chat again. As we hung up, the taxi arrived at Liberty Building.

Grant paid the fare and helped me out, then proceeded to guide me home.

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