Chapter Eighty Seven - Convalescence

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1. time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation

I spent over night in the hospital VIP ward next to Eyva's room. The MRI scan came back showing only bruising of the cartilage around my knee, but that the repair job held on well, and no further surgery was required. But I was definitely not allowed to walk on it for another month. Crutches were about to become my new best friends again, Dr Styles had made that abundantly clear.

Eyva was still in a coma. I briefly visited her before mum took me home. It was really a token visit, as I'd probably never do that so casually if I knew she was awake.

Grant and Mrs H met me at the front entrance to the mansion. They helped me into the house and settled me onto a cream leather lounger with a view of the kitchen. Mum had to go back to work so Grant and Mrs H entertained me and fed me loads of sugar and generally kept me company.

When I talked to Grant about the kidnapping, he confirmed that yes, he was the one to ring Wallace and it was Mr Denault who managed to find on security cameras in the area, the license plate registration belonging to a friend of the same young wealthy guy, named John LeBlanc, who was charged with dealing the date rape drug at the banquet. They had further suspicion on the guy when Liam Ferguson called in to Wallace, describing how his visit to the LeBlanc's home and he was acting strange by suddenly kicking Liam out.

So, it seems I have Liam in part, to thank for saving my life.

I fell asleep on the couch and was awoken to Jac-Jac asking Mrs H about my owie boo boos.

"If she has so many owies, how many times wiwl I neewd to kiss hewr to makes hewr all betta?" His cherub sweet voice was like music to my ears. I really did love this kid so very much. His just being near me was like a balm to my aches and soothe to the pain in my heart. Without opening my eyes, I held my arms open for a hug.

"I needs hugs, Jac-Jac." He snuggled in carefully and gave me a kiss. "Hmmm, thank you. I needed that. Wanna watch cartoons?" I asked, as Mrs H placed a laptop on the coffee table set to the cartoon network for us to watch. I fell asleep again before the first episode was over.

"Shhh, she's sleeping. Down't wakes her." Jac-Jac made me smile, and I felt a sloppy kiss on my chin before he moved out of my arms and into the arms of another. His maid had come to take him up for a change of clothes and probably a bath.

"See you at dinner time, Jac-Jac." I murmur to him.

"Yup, yup!" He replied.

Grant arrived soon after and so too did a bunch of printed out email and cards with well wishes from strangers that I assumed were associates of my parents. He read them all out to me while I finger brushed my hair, getting the knots and tangles out.

"This one, from a Mrs Brown-Gibson, says 'Wishing you a steady recovery and that you will be on your feet again in no time', oh and it has a gift voucher for a skin care product to the value of five hundred dollars. I think they are trying really hard to suck up to your parents."

"My parental units are worthy of being sucked up to."

"Yes there is that." Grant read out a few more cards to me and helped me find funny things to laugh at.

"How was the rest of orientation week on campus?" I asked as all the cards and printed email were exhausted.

"I never went. I volunteered to help Mr Denault in finding you." When I looked up at him, I could see that he looked tired, but that he was recovering. He probably didn't sleep much in the two days that I'd been missing, and only managed a full nights sleep last night. I frowned at him.

"You need to look after yourself too, you know. How else am I gonna find a Boy-Love for you if you have such dark rings under your eyes." I poked my tongue out at my friend.

"Oi! It takes talent and a few sleepless nights to develop these eye bags. Talent' I tell you!"

"I heard briefly from Patricia yesterday in between Xray and MRI scans. Is she OK?"

"Yes?" His answer was more question than anything. He didn't know.

"Hmmm." I pulled out my phone and decided to give her a video chat call.

"Palmers here." She answered her video chat in this manner. She looked distracted and I didn't answer her back until she actually looked at her phone.

"Miss, good evening." Her attitude changed and I smiled at her.

"I was just wondering how you were doing, Patricia."

"I am good, thank you for asking. I've been following a few more leads on your kidnapping that may implicate a few other guilty parties involved."

"Yes, I told the police about the four other guys who appeared to watch a good show. Thank you. Did you find anything?"

"Denault gave me footage to sift through and I've found three more car licence plates for the police to follow up on. Denault is making a case against the three owners of those car registrations, but one or two might fall through the cracks. I'm sorry, Miss."

"Woah, I just amazed that you and he were able to find that much." I nod, remember each of those guys faces, then steal myself against ever letting them off the hook. "Make sure you nail them to the floor boards, Patricia. I gotta go." I hang up before she's even said good bye. I don't want her to see how this affected me so much.

"You OK?" Grant asked.

"Yep, just peachy." I groused.

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