Chapter 132 - Overstated

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1. state too strongly; exaggerate.

The fashion show, introducing Crystal Pear lounge and sleep wear was a huge success. To be honest, the whole thing was really over kill for what was actually being showcased. It was a new brand of luxury sleepwear, not high end boutique glamour wear of well known designers or brands. Sleepwear and robes. But if Overmeyers are known for anything, is that they know how to go big. Really big. So, my first ever fashion show was held on the Overymeyer estate with nearly one thousand attendees and the guest list was Grandma's fault. Truly. I knew but a handful of these people.

The ten girls had fun on the catwalk, all looking cross between real super models on a European stage verses student's who'd just woken up looking bedraggled but smexy. I know I told Ms Claire and her team that I didn't want them looking too smutty, but they pulled something off that ended up being classy, cute fun and luxurious. The last minute edition of two French baroque chairs in gold at the end of the cat walk gave some of the girls something to briefly lounge on when they walked that way.

On Eyva's second trip out, she teamed up with another model and they found a couple of silk pillows from somewhere. At the end of the catwalk, just in front of the audience, Eyva giggled at something the other girl said then threatened to hit her with the pillow. A pillow fight ensued that was fun and playful, giggles and laughter, then they ran back, chasing each other with pillows, leaving their robes to stream behind them as they skipped and played.

Another of the girls came out with a book and glasses. She sat reading briefly in the French chair, then stood up again, took off her glasses and undid her hair. The kittenish bookworm exploded into a smexy goddess in one move, surprising everyone, including me.

She winked just before she turned around, leaving her book and glasses behind on the French chair before walking back along the catwalk and back into the backstage. Yeah, Sunny and I were giggling together as we watched everything go down on the video monitors that projected everything via the three cameras focused on the show.

"Oh, that was cute. Did you see her pouting just before she threw the book down. Gorgeous!" Sunny ran commentary through the whole show when she wasn't on stage. I was getting distracted with JacJac on my lap eating chocolates from the swag bags and the show on the monitor.

Grant came out in his second change for the show, a sandy coloured patterned robe and pyjama set with a singlet in the same tan brown called 'Mirage'. I think the top was a size too small as it showed off all the defined muscles on his slim chest. He left his robe untied so it billowed out behind him. He met the smexy goddess at the L shaped corner and instead of passing each other by, he stopped and stared at her, comically pulling his robe quickly closed. She took her cues really well and began to prowl around him with a finger brushing around his shoulders.

He turned, looking somewhat smitten and watched her leave to the backstage, then Dunstin Fredricks arrived while he was still stunned and did the exact same thing, causing the poor Grant to play act being lost and confused all over again. Grant looked Freddie up and down and decided to follow the handsome young man in the pale green and navy blue robe down the stage towards the audience, like a little lost puppy. They took it more seriously once they hit the end of the stage and modelled their sleepwear and robes for all to see.

I couldn't help giggling, sitting their watching the boys change the script and have a load of fun. I loved that Grant could be himself and show off his sexuality in public. Freddie was really cool about it too, even if we'd already established that he wasn't gay at all. I love that they don't take themselves too seriously. Neither of the Fergerson boys would be able to pull off something like that.

"JacJac's turn again, let's get you changed!" Ms Claire arrived with a bottle of water for the little guy. He took a quick drink, handed me the leftovers, and quickly followed Ms Claire and his nanny maid into the change room nearby. He came out quickly with a change of robe, one that matched Jackson Ferguson's perfectly. Emperor in Moonlight. Extra large sized on the motorcycle mechanic male god, and itty-bitty sized on my cute little brother. I jumped up out of my director chair and ran over to take a pic on my phone.

"Friggin' hot!" "So cute!" I heard the ladies cry out. I took a quick pic and sent it to mum with a crying emoji. Then there was a bit of a scuffle when JacJac started to panic when he realised he didn't have his paper bunny lantern.

"JacJac, you don't need it this time, babes." I said trying to comfort him. I picked him up but I couldn't stand his sad face. Taking him back to the sound desk where I'd last seen his bunny lamp, I quickly turned it on with the help of a techie girl and handed it to the little guy. By the time I had him back over at the catwalk entranceway, there was just a small delay in the show. I placed him down, kissed his head and spoke.

"Go and give this to mummy as a present, OK?" I patted his matching robe down and looked up to Jackson Senior, making sure he was focused on the little guy. He took my brother's hand, taking his job seriously for my sake.

"Owkay!" Little JacJac practically pulled the large teenager out onto the catwalk. I quickly ran back to my seat on the director's chair to watch on the show monitors. JacJac started skipping, swinging his big name-sake brother's hand as they walked. The bunny lamp nearly went over and into the lake.

Big Jackson quickly picked the little guy up and carried him down the walkway, round the L turn and towards the massive audience. His face, handsome, stoic and friggin' amazing under lights. He noticed when little JacJac wanted to be let down and placed the young boy down who promptly ran off the stage to his mama.

Jackson stepped forward briefly, making sure little JacJac didn't slip and fall into the lake edge, then paused, walked to the other corner of the walkway, paused again, and turned and walked back along the catwalk like nothing had happened. Liam, his cousin met him at the L bend and gave him a high five.

By this time, Little JacJac, the star of the show had given Mum the bunny lamp, a kiss, then climbed up into his daddy's lap. They watched the rest of the guys walk the show before Wallace, already dressed in his own dark Silver Dragon robe, got up, walked to the end of the catwalk with JacJac still in his arms. They walked across the stage to the other corner and paused, much like Jackson did, then back to the French chairs, where Wallace sat down and relaxed, ignoring everyone. He picked up the book coincidentally left behind by a previous model, and murmured night time stories to JacJac in his lap. He whispered something in JacJac's ear, who then pretended to fall asleep, just as the last few models came out onto the catwalk, followed by Sunny and Jackson again.

Once all of the last few models had finished their place at the end of the stage and walked back, Wallace picked up his 'sleeping' son, kissed his head, looked out over the show's audience with a small smile, then walked back down the catwalk back to the backstage, the last model for the night.

And that was that. My fifty five minutes of fashion show was over. I slumped back into my chair, then noticed some action going on with the models who were still in their show clothing. They all, one at a time went out onto the catwalk again, one after the other. Girls followed by the boys. JacJac was still in Wallace's arms who then turned around to me and waved me over. Eyva went out wearing her pale pink and purple 'Iris' short robe, followed by Grant in a sandy coloured 'Mirage' robe. Sunny and Jackson went out in their matching sets, then Wallace pulled me into a quick side hug and kiss on the head.

"Well done, you've done yourself proud, my girl." JacJac also kissed my face and squealed in my ear, then it was our turned to walk out together. Wallace carried JacJac still, but he held my hand which I quickly slipped around his elbow and onto his arm. He lead me gracefully down the catwalk under all of those lights and sounds in front of that huge crowd and it was exhilarating.

The models made way for us as we stepped up to the front of the show and thanked everyone for coming. A group photo was then taken, with Wallace sitting on one French chair with JacJac on his knee and I sat in the other with Grant and Eyva behind me. The photo was taken quickly and then all the models and my family filed out to the backstage once again and the show was over.

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