Chapter Sixty Eight - Larceny

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1. theft of personal property

Suck it up, Princess. So, I lost a dress, no biggy, I told myself. There were many positive things that I've gained tonight. I ended up with a closer connection with my mum and Wallace. That was placed in the mental 'plus' column. Also, Eyva is pulling strings out in the open now. I feel like this is also a 'plus'. It would be easier for my parents to help me guard against her. I counted another five 'pluses' that I could add to my 'plus' column of things I'd gained under adversity over the last few weeks. It helped me see the brighter side of life, a skill a therapist taught me in my 'previous life'.

Halfway to the bar, Grant caught up to me. I hadn't told him anything in the car on the way to tonight's big event, and I could tell he was curious.

"What was that all about. I feel like Evil Eyva just flexed her nasty claws or something, but I don't understand how." Grant was also wearing a black tuxedo tonight, with the classic white shirt and black tie. He looked really smart in it. REALLY smart.

"Oh, nothing much. She just stole my six hundred dollar dress before we were about to get ready and wore it to the banquet. Nothing much, at all."

"She what?" He almost screamed. I pulled his arm, hushing him quietly as we moved through the ballroom.

"Keep it down. Don't stress. Her actions are so obvious now, it wont be long before the veneer of the sweet, pure and generous young miss of a wealthy family gets cracks in it. Don't worry about it. Wallace has it all covered and he knows what he's doing." I kept dragging Grant to the other side of the large room as there was a bar waiting with a glass of gin and tonic with my name on it.

I ordered a drink from the bar tender and took a deep drink as soon as it arrived. Grant quietly fumed, ranting and scolding my step sister while I finished my first drink. I ordered a lemonade for a second drink, then held it while we chatted and watched the formal ballroom dancing as a live orchestra played. Grant and I played spot the reporter for a while, Grant spotting three, I spotted four.

On our way over to an out-of-the-way corner, I noticed a young brown haired waiter wearing the typical charcoal waistcoat and servery staff badge on the left side of his chest. He was talking back past a group of older gentlemen and bumped into one of them. He quickly bowed and apologised and kept walking. But his little round drinks tray was empty. It bothered me for a moment, but I couldn't figure out why. I shook it off and sat down on the dove-grey coloured settee in the corner of the ballroom.

"I can't believe she spent so much on that dress. It was a Vallance design, wasn't it?" The ladies nearby were gossiping about the 'bell of the ball' that is Eyva Overmeyer. They talked about everything from the dress cost, design, colour and cut. Then proceeded to critique everything else about the heiress' ensemble.

Haaa, I sighed.

"You'd think after ten minutes they'd get sick of the topic and move onto something better to talk about." Grant spoke a bit loudly and all six young ladies turned to give him an evil-eye glare.

"Some people around here can't even wear anything decent at all." A pale voice said. It was the first girl who spoke, pretending to be pure and innocent.

"I know, right? At least wear something from this season's catalogue. Gosh!"

"She's wearing a vintage D&C. You couldn't even get your hands on that dress if you tried for a hundred years." Grant commented, scoffing that they didn't even know their fashion.

"What? Is he, gay or something?" Another aimed their digs at my friend and I wanted to scratch their eyes out.

"Yes. Yes I am." He spoke, loud and proud.

They sniffed, commented on the quality of air nearby and moved away. I started giggling.

"That was awesome, Grant!" I gave him a high five, and appreciated his grinning, handsome face.

"Can I get you else anything to drink, Miss Twice?" The bar tender from earlier had arrived to take my order.

"Are you on 'family duty' tonight?" I asked, meaning was he on making sure that those of us in the Overmeyer family were personally served at this event tonight. He nodded and said he was.

He was wearing the charcoal waistcoat on white shirt like the other waiting service staff, but he wore an Old Gold Hotel embroidered apron tied around his waist. I could tell by the way he presented himself with ease that he was an old hand at the hotel.

"I would love another lemonade, please." I turned to Grant. "What about you? How about a cocktail?"

"I can't. I'm on duty tonight." I gave me a sideways smirk.

"Hahaha, I thought you were going to say you can't because its a school night." I giggled at him, enjoying myself.

"I can create for you anything you'd like, and also make it alcohol free." The bar tender offered.

"Really?" Grant had a think about it while I watched the groups of party goers all around us. "How about a lychee mimosa? Can you created with without any alcohol in it?" Grant had his doubts.

"Yes I can, but it wont be the exact flavour you are used to. Would you like for me to serve you a double, sir?" Kudos to the bar tender who treats everyone like they own the place. Both the guys start discussing the drink and which liquids to include and remove or replace. It didn't sound like I'd enjoy the flavour as I wasn't into drinks that were too sweet. The bar tender promised to create his best for 'the gentleman' and went off to carry out his quest.

"He was flirting with you." I bumped my shoulder to Grants.

"Wha-what?" Grant asked. I ignored his stupid face and nodded to the group of young ladies who weren't wearing enough fabric in way of clothing for this kind of high end formal event. One of them had just picked up a glass of red wine and was eyeing another, very mouthy lady in the group.

"Oooh, do you think someone is going to wear her drink shortly?" Grant looked over to where I was pointing, when someone saw us watching and they all moved away. An older woman arrived just as the red wine weilding girl was going in for the kill. The woman quickly grabbed the glass and took the girl by the hand and towed her away quickly.

"Oh, that would have been fun to see." I complained. "Pity about the step-mum arriving."

"How do you know she's the step-mum? Not mother or aunty?" Grant also looked like he was happy to see some drama action going down.

"Too young to be mum or aunty and doesn't look anything like the girl. I bet a younger step-mum. Could be older sister, but is wearing a wedding ring and too much cheap jewellery. I figured the step-mum by the way she threatened the poor girl."

"You could hear her from over here? Grant asked as another male waiter arrived with our drinks. He was younger than the bar tender, and definitely had an eye for the male gender. I giggled at Grant who was clueless once again. This guy.

We drank our non-alcoholic drinks and watched as an older group of ladies arrived nearby. Grandmas and great aunties, wearing expensive gowns and very tasteful jewellery.

"Much better. I think these ladies actually know how to shop and dress the part." I whispered.

"I believe these are the ladies who are connected with your step-grandma." Grant murmured back. His sweet lychee drink wafting on his breath.

As we were drinking our drinks and watching the elder aunties, a familiar brown haired waiter walked past them with an empty tray. Again he bumped into one of them, a lady who was wearing an impressive string of diamonds and emeralds around her neck. He apologised, much in the same way he did earlier, but in bending over in a small bow, he exposed the bottom of his round drinks tray where he had a diamond and emerald bracelet hidden away.

"Stay here." I quietly warned Grant and got up from my seat. No one, and I mean, NO ONE was going to steal from my step-father's guests while I was around.

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