Chapter 130 - Disenchanted

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1. disappointed by someone or something previously respected or admired; disillusioned.

Guests had begun to arrive shortly before six. I had one of the make up artists join my family in the house to attend to us. Then Mum left to go and collect Grandma and Grandpa Overmeyer with JacJac. We bumped into Wallace as Eyva and I came down stairs all dressed up in our glam dresses. He was in a black suit and tie, looking incredible. His smile was infection, even if I was nervous.

He kissed Eyva, telling her she looked gorgeous, and she was, as always. Stupid blond bombshell with her stupid gorgeous short haircut and perfect figure. Me, I was feeling frumpy for some reason. My dress was every bit as beautiful and expensive as Eyva's but next to her, I felt like the fugly step-sister with the frizzy locks.

"Lily, stop fretting, you'll crease your gown." Eyva snarked at me, then patted me gently on my back, in total contrast to her usual attitude. She was gently comforting me and it was lovely.

"Lily, I have a congratulations gift here for your first show." Wallace handed over a small gift box. It held a exquisite square cut fire opal and ruby bracelet. I gasped, it was so shockingly beautiful and probably really expensive. He took it out of the box and placed in around my wrist, careful to ensure the clasp was latched properly. "Lovely." He murmured, kissed my head and left us to check on security one last time.

Mum and the Grandparents then arrived. We moved through the grand house and out into the entertainment venue, greeting everyone along the way. There were hundreds of people, all here to view my show and support the Overmeyer's young artist, designer and entrepreneur. It was a little overwhelming to be honest. I was glad that I could stay by mum's side until the meet and greets were over.

Bob Blanchard, my building manager, arrived in a very dashing suit and tie. I watched as he bumped into a few other businessmen and other familiar faces from the down town city area. It was nice to see him.

"Congratulations on the show, Ms Twice. I wish you all success." He smiled, shaking my hand.

"Thank you, Mr Building Manager." I grinned at him, then indicated for him to follow me out of the way nearby to chat.

"How's everything going on the home front?" I asked him. I hadn't managed to speak with him for quite a while and felt a little guilty about that. I needed to get this show over and done with then I can reorganise my business projects.

"Everything's going well. We've begun and almost completed the new fire safety measures throughout the whole building and its looking to be on track for inspection early next month. Also, sorry about the van heist. Security cameras have been added to that area of the building so it will not happen again." He gave a little bow in apology.

"Don't worry about it, and thank you, Bob. You've worked hard."

"Working hard is what we're good at when the boss is a gem." He winked at me, then noticed a figure in the nearby crowd and called them over.

"Joe! Come and meet my boss." He gripped the guy's elbow and dragged him to meet me. I felt awkward as I recognised the man straight away.

Joseph Anginelli, sandy blonde, rugged, gorgeous and shockingly stunning in formal wear. He wore charcoal suit with a subtle pinstripe, and deep red, lace patterned tie that was almost a perfect match to my dress. I swear to goddess, I couldn't help think that we were matching very well. But the memories of his attitude that other day at the university, and memories of him from my previous life time, left a sour taste in my mouth. I took a drink of my wine, finishing it off.

He turned to greet the person Bob was introducing him to – me, then faltered, blushing a little as his ears turned slightly pink.

"Ms Twice, nice to see you again." He uncomfortably clearly his throat and looked at Bob. I turned away, pretending I didn't see the subtle subtext going on with their non-verbal communication. The pale red wine glass in my hand was a nice distraction.

"Ms Twice, this is Joseph Anginelli, he's the guy who inspected the building last month. Joe, this is Ms Lily Twice. My boss." He smiled, clearly emphasized his last two words, then whispered into Mr Anginelli's ear: "Don't be an ass, she owns the building where I work at. I don't want to lose my job."

"She owns...?" Joseph Anginelli abruptly stopped speaking in shock and looked at me, like, properly looked at me from top to toes. If he didn't have a stupid blank look on his face, I would have sworn he was checking me out. He then seemed to choke on his spit and turned back to Bob.

"She's your boss?" He asked for clarification.

"Yes Joe, so please treat her well." Bob nodded.

"So you aren't the secretary?" It was Bob and my turn to choke on our spit. I could see that Joseph didn't mean anything by that, he was trying to figure everything out. We first met in the building lobby where he'd dismissed me straight away in a hurry to get his job over and done with. Then the fiasco at the uni, yeah, time to set a few things straight.

"Not the secretary. Not a love-struck fan girl, and not a stalker. Nice to meet you Mr Anginelli. Please excuse me." I firmed up my very girly voice, channelled my inner Grandma Overmeyer and nodded to Bob Blanchard and walked away. Or, at least I tried to. Someone grabbed my arm before I'd taken my first step.

"Hang on there, Cupcake." Joseph Anginelli gently turned me back towards him and Bob Blanchard.

"What?" I asked, rudely. I'd had enough of this guy.

"Joe, what are you doing?" Bob asked and gently help me release my arm from the rugged man's hand. It already hurt so I pointedly looked down at the red of my elbow that had already begun to bruise.

"Do you make a habit of throwing girls onto glass shards and bruising their limbs everywhere you go, Mr Anginelli?" I was angry. This stupid male had hurt me again and I was fed up.

"Sorry, damn it!" He swore as he saw the marks he'd left behind. He ran his hands through his blonde hair, mussing it all up so handsomely, let out a frustrated breath and turned to me again.

"I'm sorry. I apologise, for this, for the other day at the café on campus. I, ah, I'm sorry for dismissing you when we first met and for thinking..." He went red in the face again as he continued to murmur. "Sorry for thinking you were trying to hit on me."

"Joe, she's Wallace Overmeyer's daughter. Watch what you say." Bob moved Joseph Anginelli away from me, protecting me from his friend.

"She's Mr Overmeyer's daughter?" He looked back at me, gave me a once over again, then froze in place. I was wearing nearly a million dollars worth of jewellery, a ten thousand dollar dress and shoes that should have been pinching on my feet but were miraculously not. God, I love expensive quality shoes. Bob spoke again.

"Joseph, Ms Twice is also the reason for the invitation to the Overmeyer's estate tonight. She the artist and designer of show. You owe her more than an apology, mate." The older businessman turned to me and lead me away from his jerk of a friend.

"My apologies, Ms Twice. I had no idea Joseph had misconstrued his understanding of you. I will endeavour to amend that very shortly."

"Bob, it's OK. Just keep him away from me. I keep getting hurt every time I see him." I waved him goodbye and headed back towards my mother as she continued to greet guests. I found her near Grandpa Overmeyer who gave me a wink and a cheeky smile as I came over.

"Everything all right?" He asked quietly. He must have seen what had just happened with the building inspector guy.

"Yes, thank you Sir. Just an administration error that needed correcting." I smiled back, letting him know I was OK, then collect another drink for the elder gentleman and served him with a grin. "Drink up, Old Man. Not every day your Lady will let you drink as much as you want."

"I heard that, Young Girl." Grandma swatted me on the butt as she passed me by, JacJac in hand. I smiled, relaxing once again as Grandma and Grandpa Overmeyer introduced me to more people in the crowd.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is an ORIGINAL webnovel by author JV Findlay. Feel free to support her work over on ♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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