Chapter Ninety Four - Succession

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1. a number of people or things of a similar kind following one after the other|
2. the action or process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc

I skipped the whole week of orientation, but I had a great excuse. You know, kidnapping and all, but today classes started up for real. I had to be in my first business management class at ten AM. And I had Patricia join me, for security reasons. Last night at the discussion over dinner, Wallace stipulated that I was not to go anywhere, not even the female bathrooms without Patricia, my head of security. He also warned me that if Patricia screwed up, even once, he'd have her replaced. He was super scary when he said that and I believed he would follow through with his promise.

So we came to uni, fluffed around to find a park in the student carpark building, then eventually made it to class with a few minutes to spare. The lecture theatre was enormous, seating over five hundred students. Having Patricia at my side amounted to very little in the grand scheme of things and my worries about her being with me in all my classes fizzled to nothing. No one would notice one extra body included in the masses.

The lecture was an introductory class to the rest of the curriculum, outlining what was covered and when assignments and exams could be expected. There wasn't any group work for this class, thank goodness, but I knew two of my other classes had them. After class finished, we left and drove for the hospital.

Eyva was in high spirits when we arrived at her VIP ward room. She was wearing comfortable street clothes, gone were the night wear and robes. She was coming home today.

"OK, so I cleared it with the nurses station and you've been discharged and can come home now. You've healed up really well." I smiled and she mirrored my smile.

"Yes. Good. I'm looking forward to it. I hate being stuck in this room without any stimulation." Eyva seemed happy, but I could tell by the tight clasp of her hands that she was nervous. Eyva nervous? This 2.0 version definitely seems a whole new person. Then I wondered if she actually was. A whole new person, like a new soul inhabiting her body, and what that would mean for everything that I've been conflicted over with regards to my step sister.

Could she be another soul in Eyva's body? I asked myself. Something must have showed on my face as the Eyva before me frowned, scrunching her perfect brows together.

"What's wrong? Have I got something on my face?" She asked and I couldn't help giggle, nodding as I did do.

"Yes, you do," I joked with her then waved a pointed finger all over her face. "Right there." I grinned.

"Hey, that's mean. For a step blister, you sure like to joke around a lot." She picked up her packed bag and gently pushed me towards the door. I was still on crutches.

"You set yourself up for that one, Sissy. No telling how far I could have taken it if you hadn't figured it out." I pulled on her ponytail. "But we seriously have to do something with your crazy woman haircut you have going on."

Eyva waved goodbye as we left, thanking all of the medical staff on our way out of the VIP section of the hospital. They smiled back, wishing her health and a full recovery. Down at the entrance waited Patricia and my black SUV. Mr Denault was in the front passenger seat.

"Get in, I'm taking you to a friend I know who can fix your hair up. Actually, we're picking him up and bringing him home with us."

"OK, thank you." She nodded. Once we were underway, driving towards the mall, introduced Eyva to Patricia. She had already met Denault in her hospital room. He was her lead security until she had a full time female bodyguard assigned to her. The position hadn't been filled yet.

"This is Patricia Palmers, my assistant. Patricia, we're going to Posh Mall to pick up Damien Hicks. He's the stylist whose agreed to come home with us to fix up Eyva's hair."

"Yes, Miss. Greetings, Miss Eyva." She nodded as she drove, but didn't look back.

"Hi Ms Palmers. I will be in your care." Eyva replied.

"No problems, Miss," my assistant replied.

"Patricia is my 2IC. She does almost everything for my new business Pyrus Projects. She is also my head of security and lead body guard."

"Yes, I heard about your kidnapping. Have you healed from this?" Eyva heard the whole sordid story from Wallace when she asked about my knee. She was terribly sorry that it was the result of her actions that caused LeBlanc to do what he did.

This new Eyba 2.0 was almost the exact opposite to the Eyva before. But, not everything was different. Take her clothing, for example. Although she doesn't wear the skimpy mini skirts and dresses she used to wear, what she does wear, she wears really well. She still sits with an air of dignity, like she's having tea with her elegant Grandma Overmeyer. She also still talks, using much of the same mannerisms as before, its just that she has dropped the snark and insulting words, especially with regards to me.

"So what did you choose? Which hairstyle did you like the most?" I asked her as we pulled up to the side entrance to Posh Mall, closest to the hair salon where we were picking up the stylist. Mr Denault stayed with us while Patricia went in to go get our guest.

"I had a really good talk with Grandma Overmeyer and Brooke last night, some quality grandmother, step mother and daughter time. I learned a lot about who I was and what I was like. Grandma Overmeyer cried when she learned what type of person I had turned out to be. I think it broke her heart. She was sorry to learn that I'm not an Overmeyer by blood, but she's asked Wallace and Grandpa Overmeyer to include me in the will, even if I don't turn out to be their heir. I think there is talk of Jac-Jac becoming the next in line for Overmeyer Corporation."

"Yes, I heard this last night at dinner. I think they felt it was best to keep the line of inheritance in the blood family. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh, its not that bad. I doubt Wallace will leave me without a way to make a living. I'm certain he will continue to support me, no matte what I choose to do. I think, now that I don't have to take over the Overmeyer company, I can step out from under all of that pressure and I've decided to live life my own way. So I'm going to cut all of my hair off and have the shorter fresher hairstyle, the bob cut I think."

"Oh, that would look fantastic on you," said a effeminate males voice. "Good day, Ms Overmeyer, Ms Twice." Damien Hicks had arrived and got into the front of the vehicle as Patricia climbed into the back with us. We chit chatted on the way back to the estate.

One we arrived, Eyva helped me up the steps with my crutches. Patricia lead Damien Hicks to set up his equipment on the patio by the pool. She would have a maid serve him drinks while I guided Eyva around the house.

When Eyva saw the large mansion on the estate, she stopped talking. Once we were in the main entrance, with the beautiful staircase and the glass lift, large chandelier over head, she gaped at everything, then turned to me.

"Are you sure this is where we live? This is insane." She whispered.

"Yes, and yes." I replied, agreeing with her sentiments exactly. 

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