Chapter Ninety Six - Enterprising

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1. having or showing initiative and resourcefulness

"How are you holding out with Eyva back at home?" Grant had joined me early for breakfast down stairs. We had classes together this morning so he was catching a lift with me to campus.

"OK, I guess? I dunno. I think after everything she did to me, I still find it kinda hard to move on. But she really has lost her memory and has become almost a new person. I like her now, which I could never in a million years say that about her before the car crash." We were eating pastries and drinking milk at the kitchen island. Mrs H was cleaning up dishes from the family breakfast upstairs. I got up too late to participate with them as I'd spent most of the night reading through all the material that Wallace gave me on Liberty Building and the new cafe designs.

"Good morning," Eyva's voice called out sweetly behind us. I shuddered at the voice as past memories resurfaced. I turned to see her in her Crystal Pear bedroom robe over cotton pyjamas. This was the robe I designed and gave her in the hospital.

"Morning. Sorry if you heard that." I mumbled.

"Its OK. It wasn't anything. I know I wasn't the best of sisters with you before..." Both Grant and I snorted at that comment. "I um... Sorry. I'm sorry."

I turned around and took a deep breath. "You don't remember. You are almost like a different person now with the amnesia so I will try not to hold it against you. But, please give me a little grace if I get caught up with it all like this." I ask her as she walks around the kitchen island and into view.

"I think I can do that, and you have to give me grace too, especially if I ever do get my memory back and revert back to Eyva 1.0, OK?"

What a horrible thought.

"Have a seat, Miss Eyva. I'll get you some breakfast. What would you like?" Mrs H started fussing around us all, getting my step sister situated and fed. Turns out she prefers savoury foods for her morning meal, so Mrs H served her a small avocado salsa salad and toasted focaccia bread.

I'd spent the whole meal since Eyva arrived thinking about the ramifications of what would happen if she did get her memory back. This worried me, as she would probably forget these lovey dovey moments and revert back to her prior self. I kinda like who she is now, and I don't want to see this Eyva disappear.

"What are you plans now that you're out of hospital?" I asked her, curious as to what she was going to do with her life.

"I'm not too sure what I want to do now. I think I may use this time to figure out what I want to do with my life. What I'd like to study. Where I'd like to visit. I was wondering if maybe when I'm well I might go travelling for a bit. Dunno." She shrugged her shoulders and continued speaking about her plans. "I have a few weeks off school before Dr Styles will allow me back. He said that with head trauma, the road to recovery is very long and arduous. I have to see him tomorrow, then twice weekly until the end of the year." We were currently in the middle of the year, so it was a long time for medical check ups for her.

"They probably want to make sure you don't turn stupid on us. Or zombie, that a real risk, I hear." I snarked.

"Miss Lily!" Mrs H growled me and Grant nearly fell off his chair laughing.

"Come on, Grant. We have class to get to." He helped me get up and situated with my crutches.

"Um, can I ask a question please?" Eyva asked. "It may be a little bit personal, but are you two going out together, like boyfriend and girlfriend?" It was a reasonable question and one I wasn't offended with.

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