Chapter 110 - Connoisseur

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1. an expert judge in matters of taste.

Sitting at the breakfast table in the apartment, I'm eating scrambled eggs with a tomato and crushed cucumber salad. It was the easiest thing I could find to make from the ingredients in the fridge in the time I had left before my morning class started.

Moments later, Patricia arrived. I pushed the salad and empty bowl her direction, encouraging her to eat.

"I've already eaten, thank you." She pulled out her tablet and opened my schedule for the day.

"You have an appointment at eleven AM with Bob, Godfrey August would like a walk through with the renovations in the Cafe at noon. His sister Claire will be arriving with him and will discuss the fashion show event after the walk through. Your hair appointment is schedule for two PM, and swimming physical therapy at four PM in the building swimming pool. After that, you're free." She took a drink from the travel mug she brought in with her.

"Ahhh..." I feel like I'm missing something. "Don't I have classes today?" I ask her, confused.

"It's Saturday. Your study groups have all disbanded when each of the group assignments were handed in. You have until Monday to complete your three small commerce and finances assignments and there was a request from the Swimming Club to join their team for a group swim Monday afternoon. I politely declined the invitation."

"Swim Club? Again? What is with those guys? I mean, I get they are trying to suck up to Wallace Overmeyer's step daughter, but surely they would have taken the hint by now that I am not interested? And those bi... those bunnies in the club trying to scratch my eyes out... Na-ah, now way." I finish off my eggs and salad and dump the dishes in the kitchen sink. "Is there any way to report them for harassment or something on campus?"

"I'll look into it." She replied in her dry voice.

"How is Grant's martial arts training coming along?" I had asked Patricia to train Grant up in security work and self-defence a long time ago. Until now, I had actually never seen them working out together.

"He has a solid grounding in the basics and Denault has given him great training in building and situational security. His personal self-defence still needs a lot of work." Patricia outlined where Grant's training was at.

"That's good. I heard from Wallace that most of the estate staff are all highly trained. He probably was included in that while he lived on site."

"Yes, he was," She replied.

I poured myself a coffee then set about catching up with the lectures, school work and study that I'd missed over the last week or so. Ten to eleven Patricia reminded me of our meeting scheduled in Bob Blanchard's office on the second floor.

We found Bob in his office, ordering his assistant to make each of us a coffee.

"Good morning, Ms Twice. I heard from Wallace what had happened to your mother. I'm relieved to hear she is back safe and sound." Bob shook my hand and settled us down into the lounge seats in his office.

"Yes, it was quite a scare. She came back yesterday so that's why I couldn't meet with you then. My apologies." I explained to my building manager.

"Perfectly fine. I'm glad everyone is OK." We caught up about a few things in the building for the next half hour with Bob updating me with any security issues, and problems with the tenants, and outlined the new security protocol involving pets and companion animals in the building. Apparently the little Furbutt has upset quite a few of the security team's protocols. I giggled when I heard that. An animal the side of my large coffee mug made the big bad security team members all squeamish.

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