Chapter 115 - Rueful

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1. e
xpressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way.

After Monday's disaster, the rest of the week was a bit of a write-off. I had to stay home at Mum's place for the next two days until the cuts on my butt scabbed over and stopped bleeding every time I got up or sat down. I'm not normally a tummy sleeper but with the cuts and abrasions, I was forced to sleep face down. It was unsettling. Much like having a pet cat or dog laying across your legs in the night and being unable to turn over because of the weight on your legs. If you aren't used to it, it will keep you awake.

I had notes from my university classes emailed to me with video attachments. Patricia went to all my classes that Grant wasn't in so I had plenty of material to catch on, even if I was under house arrest at the Overmeyer Estate.

On Thursday afternoon I was awoken from my afternoon nap with Eyva yelling at Wallace down the hallway. It was the first time I'd heard her voice raised in anger or frustration since she came home from the hospital with amnesia. I got up from my bed and wobbled over to my bedroom door and opened it slowly, trying to keep my presence unnoticed.

"I have no problem of you travelling for a few months, but you will not go on your own. It's not safe." The timbre of Wallace's voice sounded stern, but not angry or anything like that. He was being firm with Eyva but from the sounds of her reply, she wasn't listening to his meaning, just his words.

"I'm already an adult and I've left school. I can't even remember anything that I've learned anyway, so what's the point? Why are you being so mean to me, Wallace?" Traces of the old Eyva 1.0 seeped into her voice and I thought for a moment that the old step-sister had returned. Goose bumps trailed down my arms causing me to shiver in anxiety. I hid behind my door again as Eyva stormed past down the upstairs corridor, her face red in anger.

"As my daughter, you need to have a bodyguard go with you. That is final." Wallace was firm on his stance. I watched through the crack in my door as Eyva turned back around to Wallace with her hands fisted beside her. She was really upset.

"I don't want or need a baby sitter, Wallace. And I'm not your daughter anyway! I hate you!" She turned back around and ran away, her bedroom door slamming shut behind her.

Wallace rubbed his face as he sighed. Then he paused and turned towards where I was hiding inside my room with the door open a little bit.

"Lily..." He growled, then realised how he'd just spoken to me. He looked at Eyva's closed bedroom door then turned back towards mine, knocking gently on the door frame. "May I come in, Lily?" He asked gently this time.

I pulled the door open slowly with a rueful smile on my face, having been caught eavesdropping. I nodded and walked back to my bed to sit myself down. Wallace came in and pulled the chair out from my desk and took a seat.

"Sorry for listening in on you and Eyva's conversation. It was wrong. I am sorry." I spoke cheekily, hoping that Wallace wasn't too upset and fall for my cuteness.

"We're all family. I doubt that you had a choice to listen on people yelling outside your door anyway. How's your wounds? Are you healing up well?" He asked as he crossed one leg over the other.

"Yes, all healed up thank you. I'll be back at Uni classes tomorrow and will head on back to the apartment afterwards. How's work going?" I asked, genuinely interested in his latest water front projects. The lake over the west side of the city was being developed and Overmeyer Corp was the leading investor in the major project. We chatted for a short while, talking about his public projects, talking about my classes, assignments and business ventures. When he offered to check out the new menu for the Tea House, I decided then and there that we'd be holding a menu testing evening for my close friends and family. After the fashion show that was on next week of course.

"What about those two Abernathe girls that were at your birthday? I haven't haven't seen them around you for a while now." Wallace's voice was traced with concern like we'd had a big spat and broken our friendship or something. Teresa and Carlie, I haven't seen hide or hair of either of them since I started university this semester. I occasionally received texts from them, usually at the same time, and photos of them in art class. But I haven't seen either of them in person for ages. I smiled as I remember those two funny girls.

"Last I heard, their father had reconnected with them and had asked them to spend next year with him in Sydney, Australia. Apparently he owns a developing news paper and media company over there. They are in negotiations with their mum here in Mt Sommers City, trying to convince her to let them go. Personally, I think it will be good for them. And I heard their mum has just started a new job here in the city so she wouldn't be able to leave with them."

"I'm glad they are reconnecting with their father. He's a good man, just very busy." Wallace smiled, and I could see he thought highly of Mr Abernathe, the girl's father.

"I'm glad to hear that. I was worried that Teresa and Carlie might not be safe there... Speaking of being safe while overseas..." I cleared my throat, then gave Wallace a mega watt smile. "For what it's worth, I agree that Eyva shouldn't go overseas without personnel protection, but I also agree that she shouldn't be surrounded. If you give her one close-contact bodyguard, give her a tracking device in a piece of jewellery or a watch, then hook her up with home stay families and your close friends that you know are safe, then she could travel between these safe hubs, but do what she wants to do without any interference. Have her touch base with us each week, set up a travel blog where she can post pics etc, then I think everyone will be happy."

I watched Wallace as he thought over my ideas, then shrugged. "Its important that she figures out who she is again, without all of the stuff going on around her." I waved around the place, like it was the stuff that could possibly be bogging her down. "She's just lost almost everything that makes her who she was, and now she's trying to figure out who she is. But she has to do that on her own terms, not yours' or Mum's. Give her the space she needs, but give her guidelines for conduct while she travels so she can keep herself safe. I'm assuming she'll go and visit her mother in Italy?" I asked.

Wallace nodded. "Yes, that is her first stop, but I've been told she only wants to spend a few days there before she moves on. I think feels the distance between her and her mother's relationship."

"Yeah, she would. The woman doesn't visit her in the last five years, not for lack of funds or private jets." I grumbled at the lady who was Wallace's ex-wife and Eyva's bio-mother. She's a real piece of works, that one. I think I met her once in my last 'timeline', and once was certainly enough. She was really high maintenance.

"Want me to talk to her? I'm meaning Eyva, not her mother." I smirk at my lame joke.

"Sure, but don't get involved with this. Leave that to your mum and I."

"I'm her sister, what's a sister if not being a pain in the arse?" I asked him as I got up and walked to my bedroom door, my step-dad following close behind.

"I'm really proud of both of my girls, really proud. Keep up the good work, Lily." Wallace reaffirmed his parental care once again.

"Thanks, Wallace. Just between you and me, I really like this new evil step-sister." I looked down the hallway where I can see Eyva's bedroom door open a smidgen with a shadow of the girl below the open door. She's doing exactly what I'd just done to both of them earlier. I smile widely at Wallace and point with my chin to the ease-dropping step-blister.

"She's sassy, gorgeous, intelligent..." I speak loudly while walking slowly towards her room as I pile on the compliments. "Way to good for this world, a leader among fashionistas, has a killer sexy style, aaaannnddd..." I suddenly pull open the door and step into the wide eyed blonde bomb-shell. "She's so rude, listening in on our conversations like this!" I yelled.

"Ah!" Eyva almost fell backwards on her butt but I quickly caught her around the arms.

"Woah, so excited to see me, your only step-blister? Why, Miss Eyva 2.0, I do declare, we are a match made in heaven!" Then I curled up my long slim fingers up and tickled her to death.

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