Chapter Forty Seven - Fortified

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1. provided with defensive works as protection against attack
2. (of wine) having had spirits added to make port, sherry, etc

"That turned really ugly, really fast. I'm sorry, Ms Twice. I didn't understand the gravity of the situation or the danger you were in." Ms Palmers got me into the SUV and drove away quickly. She pulled out her phone and passed it over to me. "I recorded most of the conversation of when you moved away from the school buildings. It isn't too clear, but you get the general gist of what was said and by whom. I think it best to send this to your step dad so he knows what is happening for you at school."

I shake my head at her suggestion.

"I actually don't want to get him involved. If he blames Eyva for this, Eyva will find some way to retaliate against me and things will escalate faster than I'm ready for. If she starts sending gang members to beat me up or to hide in my bedroom, with my knee the way it currently is, I'd be a sitting duck."

"She'd really do that?" Patricia asked in shock. "I thought my ex was bad."

"Don't ever take that spoiled brat for anything other than a self-centred mink coated peacock, who is on a power trip eternal. She will get what she wants, when she wants it, and right now, she wants me on the ground begging for forgiveness for ever stepping foot onto the Overmeyer estate and into her family. Trust me. She hates my guts to distraction. Huff, huff, huff..." I huff a breath. The anxiety frustrates me, that feeling of helplessness, being surrounded on all sides without being able to free myself. I hated feeling that way.

"You're OK, Miss. You kept your head well, made a great escape plan and kept your cool. But I think you are wrong about not telling Mr Overmeyer. I think he needs to be informed in case anything comes of getting physical with those students back there, and if they need video evidence that hasn't had time to age. If you leave it any longer, they will state that the video has been doctored. If you send it now to your step dad, they wont have the guts to say he did anything funky with it." I shook my head.

"I disagree with you. I think it will just cause more trouble for me if I get him involved. I don't want to be seen as always running to the great and powerful Overmeyer every time I break a nail. It will get old very fast."

"So you're going to let your step sister's friends run riot over you, call the police and take you to court? There were at least 12 witnesses who would all agree that you overacted and lashed out in a 'tame' situation, and if you don't get suspended from school, or worse, I will be surprised. It would only take your step sister's open purse to make all their stories collaborate. You need to protect yourself in more ways than one. Your step dad can cover all those bases." I sigh.

"I see what you're getting at and I hate this, but I think you're right. OK. When I talk with him, if I can somehow spin this whole thing so it looks like it was them against both Eyva and I, then maybe he can keep a lid on it and not make me into a snitch."

"I think that is the right decision, Miss." She drove me home while I rang my step dad.

"Hey Lily, how was your first day of school? I can't talk long, but I have a minute to chat."

"Thanks for answering when you're so busy, Sir."

"Hey, now. None of this 'sir' business. Just call me Wallace. What can I do for you, Lily?"

"Um, I had a situation at school that involved Ayva and I. There were a few bullies after school that got a little too frisky with their words. I think she was as much a victim as I in this, Sir... ah, Wallace. It just got really out of hand really fast. I'm sure she will tell you all about it when she arrives. In the process of trying to get away from a few enthusiastic well-doers, I hurt someone with my crutch and my assistant may have as well, trying to get me to safety. She took video and suggested we send it to you for safe keeping. Is this OK?"

"Send it to me." He growled and I'm sure some of his dragon emperor aura leaked out of the phone, the car cooled down and I shivered.

"OK. It will come from my assistant's phone. Is it OK if I give her your private number for future reference?"

"Yes, and I'd like to have a little heart to heart with your assistant Ms Palmers when I get home tonight at six. Please invite her for dinner. See you later." He then hung up.

"Oh, I think we're both in trouble now. He wants you over for dinner and a 'chat'.

"It needs to happen. There is a lot of black sludge that my ex husband has thrown at me and most of it has stuck in certain business and social circles. If Mr Overmeyer hasn't heard about me at all, I'd be surprised. You will need to hear this too."

"Nope. I don't need to hear anything. I've learned it all, including how you got your scars and not just the one on your face. and I trust you with my company and with my life. I promised to avenge you so I'm already on Team Palmer. Give him everything you think best he needs to hear. Tell him about how we met, about how I spoke to you and what I offered. Just don't tell him about the rebirth dreaming crap please. Keep that private. Always."

"OK. What about our contract and my job description?"

"Yes, tell him all of that, even the plans for future pay increase. I don't want him poaching you, please don't let him poach you. Please! I needs you, with everyfing!" I use my best Jac-jac impression and turn my big puppy dog eyes on her, crying pitifully. "Don't let him take my Palmer away!"

"Oh, you. I thought you were older than that."

"Only older than old. God, it feels like five lifetimes instead than two. I need an afternoon nap."

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