Chapter Fifty Five - Schlemiel

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1. a stupid, awkward, or unlucky person

You know, all those rebirth and transmigration stories where the leading lady has everything going for her, beautiful looks, godly skills, magic spaces with mystical mentors and powerful kings looking after her. I want those magical resources, that pile of gold and diamonds. I want that black-bellied prince who secretly loves me and wants to give me his all. Do you know what I got instead?

A genius level computer hacker who received a stolen computer from a lovely, generous girl with beautiful big blue eyes in distress. He spent half an hour unlocking her computer that she'd forgotten her password for. Half an hour. It took him half an hour to hack into a computer that damn liar never actually own. I bet you can guess whose computer it actually was. Yep. Mine.

Friday morning of my first week at my new school, my computer went missing from my bag that I left outside my bedroom before I had breakfast. The whole family was in the sun room eating but due to Jac-Jac accidentality spilling orange juice on me during our meal, I had to go back up to my room and change my school clothes.

I was in such a rush to get to school on time, that I didn't even check my school bag on my way out the door. I just assumed the laptop was where I placed it before breakfast.

By the time my study hour arrived before lunch, I realised it was missing, and likely, I was already too late to stop the crime. I called Patricia.

"Miss Twice, what can I do for you?" Very perfunctory is our Patricia Palmers.

"Hey Patricia, I have miss-placed my laptop. It was secured in my bag and left it outside my bedroom this morning before I went to breakfast but it is now missing. The theft probably happened when I went back to change my clothes after Jack spilled his drink on me." I sighed. It looks like Eyva was already beginning to escalate things. Problem was that my computer had business projects on it, account details, my email accounts, school assignments and an outline of everything that happened that I could remember in my first timeline. It is hidden, but if Eyva gets her hands on that... well, all hell would break loose. That is actually what scares the bajeesuss outta me.

"Firstly, I need you to please check with the mansion security and ask for security footage of the third floor outside my room from 7.45am until 8.00am. A report needs to be made to Mr Denalt as head of security. Secondly, please check the app on your new phone for the serial number..." I pause and look it up on my cloud account via my phone. "It is serial number H47NQ61. This is the GPS locator for my laptop. Please record yourself doing this as evidence that it is at school here." I smirked at that. If Eyva does have it, then this will count as evidence against her.

"Thirdly, please will you purchase me a new laptop, same brand, hard drive and battery capacity as the one I've lost. The store will have it on file under my name. I'll need this when you pick me up from school today. I hope that you can make these arrangements for me please. Also, ask Mr Denault to notify my step dad of the theft within the mansion please."

"Yes, Miss. I can make sure this happens. The electronic store that Mr Overmeyer's owns, is this the place you purchased your previous laptop?"

"Yes, it was. Thank you. One last thing, can you please notify me when my old laptop is back in my room and send a recording of the nanny cam footage from my desk and beside lamp, please give these to Mr Denault and Mr Overmeyer. I am certain the person or persons who were paid to lift it from my bag will return it once Eyva has finished with it."

"Was there anything important on the laptop, Miss Twice?"

"No, everything was backed up to my cloud account with Overmeyer Tech. I am happy for the stolen laptop to be packaged up and turned over to the police when the investigation take place. Thank you, Patricia. I'll see you after school."

"Yes, Miss. See you soon." She hangs up and I spend time thinking about what to do with the material on the laptop that I need erased. I smile when I realise I have my very own hacker who should be able to remote access it via the codes I give him.

"Dunstan Fredricks. Are you free to help me with my cell phone, I seem to have locked myself out." This was the line I used on him when I found him in the cafeteria at lunch time. He was hanging out with the jocks near the mezz floor stairs, like a pack of pious worshippers waiting for their gods to descend and give them attention.

"What did you say?" His face looked a little awkward. He knew I was his boss, knew that he'd signed a contract to work for me, but business was business, and school was school. I had no authority over him here, so I had him confused over my sudden approach.

"I need help with my new cell phone. I accidentality locked myself out and need your advice getting back in. Its a hardware user interface issue, can you please help?"

It was near the end of my lame spiel that I realised that his face had gone pale. I tilted my head to the right when I realised that was the face of a guilty man. Aaaah, my computer went missing and Eyva needed a hacker to get into it. Guess who she paid to do her dirty work?

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