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"The man's name is Argent"

Faline looks up at the Sheriff and they quickly rush to the Sheriff's office doorway. 

"Did you say 'Argent?'" Mr Stilinski asks.

Sebastien is sitting in a chair in front of the desk. Mr Stilinski's phone buzzes and he glances at the screen to read his texts.

"Sorry, my son likes to leave--"

His phone buzzes again, and Mr Stilinski looks momentarily concerned at whatever the message from Stiles says, suggesting that Stiles warned him about Sebastien. However, Sheriff quickly puts on his poker face to hide this revelation.

"--Incredibly long and incredibly confusing messages"

Sebastien looks at him curiously, and Sheriff gulps nervously before sitting behind his desk as Faline leans against the front of the desk.

"Maybe I should just turn the damn thing-" Mr Stilinski says.

Mr Stilinski shuts off his phone and sets it down on the desk before finally addressing him.

"So... You're looking for one of the Argents?" Faline asks.

"You seem to know who I am. That means you know what I'm capable of"

Mr Stilinski takes his sidearm out of the holster on his hip and sets it down on the desk with a glare.

"I've got some experience," Mr Stilinski says.

"Your weapons may be more sophisticated than the arrows and the bullets of my time, but they still won't kill me" 

"I'm pretty sure a 9mm Beretta will do more damage than an 18th-century musket"

"Are you certain? I can walk out of this place with my hands clean... or, I can walk out with them drenched in blood. Your choice"

Faline glares at him and stands up but Mr Stilinski pulls her back. Mr Stilinski sighs and looks torn for a long moment. The scene cuts to the bullpen, where Clarke watches as Mr Stilinski leads Sebastien out.


When Clarke sees the gun in Mr Stilinski's hands, she immediately goes into defence mode, pulling out her own gun and aiming it at Sebastien. Mr Stilinski looks horrified and immediately tries to stop her.

"Clarke, don't! Stop where you are"

Sebastien's fangs and claws come out, and his eyes begin to glow bright blue as he turns to lunge toward Clarke. Mr Stilinski aims his gun at Sebastien and shouts at him.


Clarke and Mr Stilinski both start shooting at Sebastien as he rushes toward Clarke but Faline intercepts him and Sebastian stabs his claws into her leg. 

"Fuck" Faline groans, holding up her hand and blasts Sebastien back.

Though the bullets do slow him down somewhat, they don't stop him, and he knocks both of them out. A moment later, Hayden walks into the station to see her sister and is horrified by the sight of an injured Mr Stilinski crawling toward where he dropped his gun several feet away and Faline clutching her leg which is gushing blood as her eyes glow, clearly trying to heal herself. Lydia has just come into the bullpen and is staring wide-eyed at Sebastien as he stalks toward her.

He wraps his clawed hand around Lydia's throat and rears back his other arm to claw out her chest when Lydia suddenly Banshee-wails in his face, thrusting her hands forward and using the force of her voice to throw him backwards toward Mr Stilinski's office. Hayden looks shocked at seeing Lydia's powers in action and concerned as Lydia wraps her hands around her seriously bleeding throat and falls to her knees. Sebastien slowly gets to his feet and looks over at Hayden, who is beginning to panic. 

єṅċһѧṅṭяєṡṡ - ṡ.ṡṭıʟıṅṡҡıOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora