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Faline is stood next to Erica Reyes and the pair are talking about The Scarlet Letter, a book which both of them had thoroughly enjoyed reading for the English assignment on it being a feminist novel.

Faline giggles with Erica as Allison kicks Scott from the wall, the boy goes crashing down onto the mat below.

"McCall," Coach Finstock says. "I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Alright, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go. The wall."

Faline watches carefully, knowing Erica was epileptic but she didn't like to be stopped from trying to be normal. Faline moves forward as Erica begins to hyperventilate and shake on the wall.

"Erica, you're okay," Faline calls before turning to Coach. "Get her down!"

"Erica, you dizzy?" Coach Finstock calls. "Is it vertigo?"

"Get her down!" Faline snaps. "She's epileptic!"

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" Coach Finstock replies.

"Erica, you're okay" Faline calls. "Focus on your breathing, in and out"

"Erica just kick off from the wall" Coach Finstock says. "There's a mat to catch you"

Erica kicks off the wall and slowly lands on the ground, before unharnessing herself.

"See, you're fine" Coach says. "You're on the ground"

Everyone begins to laugh, pointing at Erica mockingly as she walks past them. Faline whirls on her heel and her glare silences the room.

"Shut up" Faline snaps. "You think she asked for this, you bunch of fucking assholes? The next person who lets a laugh leave their lips will have their teeth following"

Greenberg snickers and Faline grabs his shoulder, spins, and right hooks him in the jaw before following Erica. Erica throws herself into Faline's arms and cries as the girl comforts her.

"Coach!" Greenberg whines, holding his jaw.

"I didn't see anything so stop your whining Greenberg" Coach says with a shrug.

"It's okay" Faline soothes, rubbing Erica's back.

"I'd do anything to not be like this anymore," Erica says.

"I know you would," Faline says. "I've got a call to make but afterward you and I can go to my house and we'll watch The Scarlet Letter, the proper version, with junk food and hot chocolate, yeah?"

Erica nods and Faline smiles before grabbing her phone.

"Hey, Derek," Faline says. "I just found you your second beta"

"Who?" Derek asks.

"Her name is Erica, she's a friend of mine," Faline says. "Suffers from severe epilepsy. Uncontrollable seizures, bullied big time"

"Perfect" Derek says.

"You owe me big time Hale," Faline says before ending the call.

Faline feels a pull to the gym room and finds Erica on the wall, harness optional.

"Oh my god," Faline says. "Erica please come down"

"I can do this" Erica says.

"Erica, please get down," Faline begs.

Erica's body begins to jerk and she falls backwards. Faline throws her hand up and slows Erica's fall, catching the seizing girl in her arms before lowering her to the ground.

Faline then gently rolls her onto her side.

"HEY!" Faline shouts, knowing Scott's hearing will draw his attention to the gym. "I NEED HELP IN HERE! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE"

Faline places Erica in the recovery position as the class comes running in.

"Erica, you're gonna be alright," Faline whispers. "I'm here"

"What happened?" Allison asks as Erica clutches Faline's hand as her body jerks.

"She tried to climb the wall," Faline says, making soothing noises in Erica's ear.

The next day Faline is sat in biology balancing a pen on her nose as a video plays in the background.

"A small exposure to an otherwise deadly virus can actually prevent the infection from spreading. This is called vaccination"

"You could pretend to look the slightest bit interested" Faline whispers to Jackson.

"Why?" Jackson asks. "I'll just copy your notes later on"

"What the hell did you do to my camera?" Matt asks, leaning towards their desk.

"Huh?" Jackson asks.

"The lens is cracked" Matt hisses.

"So by creating an immunity-"

"Did you drop it?"

"Your body is primed to fight off the infection"

"It's Lydia," Jackson says as Faline and himself walk down the hallway.

"What?" Faline asks.

"Lydia, she didn't turn right?" Jackson says.

"No," Faline says.

"What if she's like a vaccination and made me immune to the wolf bite," Jackson says.

"I don't think that works," Faline says. "This isn't basic science Jackson, this is your DNA structure changing on a molecular level. But as I told Derek, you could be turning into something else"

"Like?" Jackson asks.

"Anything you read about that's mythical," Faline says. "Except a vampire, you have to die to become one of those"

"Is there any spell you can do to see if I am a werewolf?" Jackson asks and Faline shrugs.

"I can do a spell to speed up transformations," Faline says. "That might work but I'm not sure and if you're not a wolf it could do serious damage to your body, possibly irreversible damage"

"I need this, I need to know," Jackson says.

"Why is this so important to you?" Faline asks.

"I want to be better than everyone else, faster, stronger," Jackson says. "I want to level the playing field"

"This is why I won't help you," Faline says. "You're my best friend Jackson. If you do become a wolf, we'll be dead within a month"

"Not my problem," Jackson says.

"It will be when hunters are cutting your ass in half with a sword," Faline says. "Listen, Jackson, I need some time to figure out why the bite is being rejected by your body"

"Okay," Jackson says.

"Okay," Faline kisses Jackson's cheek before walking away.

"Okay," Faline kisses Jackson's cheek before walking away

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