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"So you're just letting us go?" Scott asks Araya suspiciously.

"Why are you questioning it?" Faline hisses. "We're leaving alive and intact"

"I sent four men out to where Kate was rumored to have been seen," Araya says. "None of them came back. Let's see if you can do better"

"You could have just told me she was alive," Scott says.

"You wouldn't have believed me," Araya says.

That's the last thing Faline hears as they walk past them.

"So what now?" Stiles asks.

"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek," Scott says.

"She gonna tell us where?" Malia asks.

"Actually she's giving us a guide," Scott says.

"All of this would have been so much easier with some of Derek's blood" Faline rolls her eyes.

Their heads all turn when a motorbike pulls up and the person pulls off their helmet to reveal Braeden.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. She's everywhere" Faline says.

"Are you religious?" Kira asks.

"If I was I'd be a devil worker anyway," Faline says. "But no, it never made any sense to me. A magic man in the sky could create the world but allowed wars, racism, and poverty? If he's real, he's a dick"

"She's a mercenary" Lydia says after Malia nudges her questioningly, before pointing at Braeden.

"Right now I'm the only one who's going to take you to La Iglesia," Braeden says.

"Kate's a-" Faline presses a hand against her forehead.

"Yes," Braeden says.

"Kate's a what?" Stiles asks.

"Only one supernatural creature goes to La Iglesia," Faline says. "Were-Jaguars. The church was built on top of the Temple of Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec Jaguar god."

"Were-Jaguars?" Scott scoffs.

"Malia's a Were-Coyote," Faline says. "What makes you believe Were-Jaguars aren't real?"

"So you're taking someone to the Church?" Lydia asks.

"The church?" Stiles asks.

"It's not somewhere you'll find god," Braeden says.

The six all climb back into Stiles' jeep, the four girls being cramped in the back, Faline perched in Lydia's lap. They speed down an old dirt track following Braeden's bike.

"Okay, I'll ask," Malia says, leaning forward causing Faline to place her head on Lydia's shoulder to move out of her way. "Who's Kate Argent?"

"I'd like to know too," Kira says.

"Well we were at her funeral," Stiles says. "So I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground"

"What if she was never in it?" Faline asks, sitting up straight. "What if Gerard wasn't angry that his daughter died, but she had become the very thing they sought to make extinct? A supernatural creature. Or maybe he wanted to use her like he did Jackson, use her until he no longer had a use for her. Control her. Or maybe the Calaveras took her from the morgue, placing a look-alike back"

Faline trails off going into her thoughts quietly.

"She was Allison's aunt," Lydia says.

"And a total sociopath," Faline says.

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