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Faline pulls her shirt off over her head before quickly changing it before they get to the hospital where Melissa was stood at the front desk.

"Hey," Melissa says.



"Over here," Melissa says. "And if you tell anyone I showed you this, I swear to god I'll kill you both painfully and slowly"

"Why do you want to show me a body I've already seen?" Stiles asks.

"Because you haven't seen everything," Melissa says.

They walk into the morgue and Melissa pulls the sheet back.

"See this around his neck?" Melissa says.

"That's a ligature mark, that means he was strangled with something like cord, rope-"

"Wait a second" Stiles says. "What kind of werewolf strangles someone? That's not very werewolf-y"

"My thoughts exactly," Melissa says. "And then there's this"

Melissa tilts the head to reveal a wound.

"Hmm" Stiles groans. "God, man, what is that? Is that brain matter? Yeah, it's brain matter of course"

"See the indentation?" Melissa asks. "He was hit in the back of the head hard enough to kill him. In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. Someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead"

"So then this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora, you know?" Stiles says. "They wouldn't have done all that"

"But the wound on the throat that wasn't caused by claws," Faline says. "It's too clean-cut, almost surgical"

"Maybe this is just one murder," Stiles says. "Maybe it's just a random coincidence"

"I don't think it was just one," Melissa says.

"How come?"

"Because that girl over there, she's got the exact same injuries"

"Do you want me to check?" Faline asks and Stiles nods turning his head away.

Faline lifts the sheet before looking at Stiles sympathetically.

"It's her isn't it?" Stiles asks.

"I'm sorry Stiles," Faline says.

"The ME said whoever did this wasn't just strangled they used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through a rope and keep twisting"

"Melissa," Faline says quietly.

"Stiles?" Melissa says. "Oh my god, did you know her?"

Stiles nods.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even think," Melissa says, pulling the covers back over Heather's head.

"We were at her party," Stiles says. "It was her birthday. Her name is Heather"

"Okay, we need to call your father 'cause you're both witnesses," Melissa says.

Faline doesn't say anything but just laces her fingers with Stiles, knowing that the boy wouldn't want words of sympathy. Stiles preferred silent comfort.

Faline frowns spotting a ring on the boy's finger. Her head moves between the two.

"Faline was it?" Heather walks in. "Listen I want to apologize. I'm just sick of being a seventeen-year-old virgin. My friends tease me for it all the time"

"Your friends sound like they suck," Faline says, looking at the wine bottles. "You should probably get some better ones"

"I hate it. I'm like virgin Mary"

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