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Melissa and Faline are stood in Sean's room as Melissa tries to get the silent boy to eat. Faline watches warily in case Sean decides he wanted to eat one of them.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat something?" Melissa asks and Faline looks at the food before grimacing.

"Yes," Sean says.

"Let me know if you need anything," Melissa says. "There's a deputy right outside"

Faline walks out of the room with Melissa to see Scott and Stiles holding up the boy from practice between them. Faline grabs a wheelchair and helps the boy sit in it.

"Are you even qualified?" Liam asks as Faline wheels him through the hospital.

"I volunteer" Faline replies. "If I wanted to I could have gone to college and graduated last year. They're desperate and I don't have to be paid"

"So you're smart?" Liam asks.

"Relatively" Faline replies.

"Does anyone complain that you're a student still?" Liam asks. "And what's your GPA?"

"No one complains because I'm more competent than some of the nurses here," Faline says. "My GPA is over 5.0"

"It goes that high?" Liam asks and Faline laughs.

"Yes, yes it does. They want it tested" Faline says. "We'll get you a room, schedule you in for an x-ray and work out what to do from there"

"Is my stepdad in?" Liam asks.

"You're Dr. Geyer's Liam?" Faline asks.

"Yeah," Liam says.

"I can get Melissa to page him but I think he was busy," Faline says.

"That's alright," Liam says. "You can keep me company"

"You don't know me," Faline says.

"You're very pretty," Liam says and Faline smiles.

"I would say don't let Stiles hear you say that but that's not intimidating," Faline says.

"You and him?" Liam asks. "Why?"

"Because he's Stiles," Faline says, wheeling Liam into his room and helping him onto his bed. "He's funny, sweet, bad at lacrosse-"

"Awful" Liam says.

"Awful at lacrosse" Faline corrects herself. "He treats me with respect, not like other douchebag guys."

"It sounds like you're in love with him," Liam says.

"What does a fifteen-year-old boy know about love?"

"A lot, I enjoy romance movies," Liam says and Faline nods with a small laugh.

"That's fair enough," Faline says.

Dr. Geyer walks in.

"Liam I see you met Faline" Dr. Geyer turns to Faline and pulls her to the side. "What do you think?"

"It's a clear break," Faline says. "Only a break causes such rapid bruising and he can't put any weight on it at all"

"Faline" Melissa sticks her head in. "I'm going to check on Sean, you coming?"

"Sure," Faline says. "I'll see you in a bit alright Liam? If you're still here I'll visit"

"Sean are you awake?" Faline opens the door.

"The Sheriff's on his way," Melissa says. "I'm going to need you to wake up"

Melissa turns on the light to reveal an empty bed. The pair walk further into the room to find the deputy dead and Sean eating the insides.

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