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Faline was curled up in her bed when she hears her father talking to someone at the front door.

"We're going on an adventure," Stiles says bursting into Faline's room as she watches Dash chase his own tail until he finally catches it.

"We're going on an adventure," Stiles says bursting into Faline's room as she watches Dash chase his own tail until he finally catches it

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"To do what?" Faline asks.

"Summon the Alpha," Stiles says casually, taking Dash from the bed and stroking the puppy who yips happily at the boy.

"You're going to what?" Faline exclaims, shooting up.

"Summon the Alpha," Stiles says. "Get dressed and let's go"

"I guess I'll be wearing trainers then," Faline sighs standing up and she begins pulling clothes from her drawers, muttering under her breath.

"Stupidest fucking plan I've ever heard. Fucking idiots"

Faline begins to remove her pajama shorts and Stiles uses Dash to shield his eyes like a fluffy eye mask.

Faline pulls on a pair of jeans and her sneakers before grabbing a cropped jumper and pulling it over her head before looking in the mirror to pull her hair into a high ponytail.

"Dash," Faline takes her puppy from Stiles and placing him in his dog bed at the end of her bed. "You stay and be a good boy alright?"

Dash looks up at the two teenagers and tilts his head to the side, his tongue lolling out.

"Good boy," Faline says, quickly petting the dog's head before the teenagers leave.

Stiles pulls up outside of the school, slamming his foot on the brakes of the jeep.

"This is the stupidest fucking plan I have ever heard," Faline says.

"Yeah I know," Scott says.

"But we're still going to do it?" Faline asks.

"Can you think of something better?"

"If you'd have given us more time, we could have come up with a plan infinitely fucking better,"

"Well personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until it eventually just goes away," Stiles says.

"Just make sure we can get inside," Scott says. "He's here. Where's my boss?"

"He's in the back," Derek says.

Faline looks to see an unconscious Deaton, tied up in the back of Derek's Camaro.

"That's one way to approach the situation," Faline comments. "If you kill him, I'm not helping dig the grave"

"You're complete lack of sensitivity terrifies me," Stiles says. "Come on"

The trio turn and head towards the high school.

"Wait. Hey," Derek says. "What are you doing?"

"You said I was linked with the Alpha," Scott says. "I'm gonna see if you're right"

"I hate this fucking plan," Faline says.

"You've said that about every plan so far," Scott says.

"Because they all are shit," Faline says throwing open the doors to the high school.

They get to reception where they had planned use the tannoy to empower Scott's call to the Alpha.

"Okay one question," Stiles says. "What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?"

"I don't know"

"And what are you gonna do if he does show up?"

"I don't know"

"Really consolidating my belief in your plan," Faline says. "We're going to fucking die"

"Alright," Scott says. "You said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right?"

"Right, but if you bring him here, does that make you part of his pack?" Stiles looks at Faline.

"There is literally a walking, talking source of information outside," Faline says. "Ask him"

"I hope not," Scott says.

"Yeah me too," Stiles says and they both glance at Faline.

"Of course," Faline says and Stiles hands Scott the microphone.

"All you," Stiles says and Scott clears his throat.

Scott lets out a shrill howl which echoes through the tannoy which is then followed by Faline's laughter.

"Was that okay? I mean that was a howl, right?"

Faline looks at Scott before she begins to laugh again, clutching her stomach.

"My stomach actually hurts" Faline laughs. "That was fucking awful"

"Technically it was a howl," Stiles says.

"Well, what did it sound like to you?" Scott asks.

"Like a cat being choked to death Scott," Stiles says.

"What do I do? How am I supposed to do this?" Scott asks his friend.

"Hey, hey," Stiles says, beginning to massage Scott's shoulders. "Listen to me. You're calling the Alpha. Alright? Be a man. Be a werewolf. Not a Teen Wolf. You're a werewolf"

Stiles steps away and the two teenagers watch as Scott hits the button on the tannoy before roaring into it.

They walk out of the high school.

"I'm going to kill all of you"

"I was extremely against this plan," Faline says.

"What the hell was that?" Derek asks. "What are you trying to do? Attract the entire state to the school?"

"Sorry," Scott says. "I didn't know it was gonna be so loud"

"Yeah it was loud," Stiles says. "And it was awesome"

"Shut up," Derek says.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles says.

"What did you do with him?" Faline asks, noticing the backseat was empty.

"What? I didn't do anything" Derek says.

Faline lets out a scream when claws impale Derek and blood begins to pour out of his mouth.


Faline runs forward but she is halted in her tracks as two pairs of arms wrap around her pulling her away.

"Let me go!" Faline cries. "DEREK!"

Scott and Stiles slam the door shut and Faline slumps to the ground, staring blankly at the wall in front of her.

Scott and Stiles slam the door shut and Faline slumps to the ground, staring blankly at the wall in front of her

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