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Faline spends the day at Lydia's helping her set up for the strawberry blonde's birthday party.

Lydia had gone out and bought Faline a two-piece top and skirt from Macy's. On her feet were gold heels that matched the necklace and ears she was wearing.

"Have you seen Jackson any- Wow," Stiles says when Faline walks up.

"Um, Lydia bought it," Faline says. "I thought it was a bit much"

"No you look amazing," Stiles says.

"Have you seen Allison?" Scott asks.

"No," Faline says.

"We should probably tell her what we found," Stiles says.

"I'm still kind of not sure what we found," Scott says.

"We figured it had something to do with water. You know, on the basis that all the victims were on the swim team" Faline says.

"The way the kanima reacted around the pool," Stiles says.

"So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?" Scott asks.

"Hated the swim team," Stiles says. "Specifically the two thousand six swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean who are we missing? Who haven't we thought of?"

"Jackson's not here," Allison says walking up to them.

"No one's here," Stiles says.

"Maybe it's just early," Scott says.

"Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town whack job," Stiles says.

"I will throw you in that pool," Faline warns. "We have to do something because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks"

"She's completely ignored Stiles and I for the past ten years," Scott says. "We don't owe her a party"

"What about the chance to get back to normal?" Allison asks.


"Well she wouldn't be the town whack job if it wasn't for us," Faline says.

"I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here,"

"Stiles and I know some people who can really get the party going," Faline says, grabbing her phone.

"Who?" Allison asks.

"We met them the other night," Stiles says. "Let's just say they know how to party"

Faline presses her phone to her ear.

"Marie," Faline says. "How would you feel about coming and livening up a party?"

"Well I am the life of the party darling"

"Perfect, bring all of your friends"

The doorbell rings and Faline opens the door.

"And you are?" Lydia asks.

"We're here for the party,"

"Well come on in," Lydia says, and everyone cheers.

Faline greets Marie with two air kisses and a tight embrace.

"Thank you so much for this" Faline says.

"Anything for a friend," Marie says.

Faline takes a glass of punch from Lydia before joining Scott and Stiles.

"Are you going to apologize to Allison or what?" Stiles asks.

"Why should I apologize?" Scott asks.

"Because you're the guy," Stiles says. "It's what we do"

"He's not wrong," Faline says.

"But I didn't do anything wrong"

"Then you should definitely apologize"

"Just say the three words every female likes to hear," Faline says. "'I was wrong'"

"Anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong," Stiles says.

"I think you are like the only guy ever to understand the complexity of girls," Faline says.

"I'm not apologizing," Scott says.

"Is that the full moon talking buddy?" Stiles asks.

"Probably," Scott says. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because Scott something's got to go right here," Stiles says. "My relationship prospects aren't working out at all. I mean we're getting our asses royally kicked if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. I'm in love with someone who'll never love me back. Matt's creepily obsessed with Faline. And if on top of all that I've got to watch you lose Allison due to your asshole full moon behavior, I'm gonna stab myself in the face"

Faline tenses slightly at Matt's name, an action that goes unnoticed by both of her friends. Faline places her empty punch glass on the table next to Scott's ass.

"Don't stab yourself in the face" Scott says.

"Why not?"

"Because Jackson's here,"

Faline stands up and she stumbles slightly, only to be caught.

"Are you okay?"

"Matt," Faline says, stepping back. "Um hi"

"Did you get my gift?" Matt asks but Faline wasn't focused on Matt, rather something behind Matt.

Polly Michaels was stood over an altar, Faline recognizes the countryside as Carrickfergus. In her hands was a large dagger.

"Mom" Faline turns to see her five-year-old self, walking towards her mother.

"Come on darling," Polly holds out her hand. "Come here"

Little Faline giggles and runs over, taking her mother's outstretched hand.

"What are we doing here?" Faline asks.

"We're going to play a game," Polly says. "I need you to lie down on this altar and close your eyes"

"Are you going to hide?" Faline asks.

"Yes," Polly says. "So close your eyes"

Polly raises the blade but a gust of wind pushes her back.

Polly Michaels.

"No," Polly says. "No"

You dare try to kill a child, your own flesh and blood? Run from here and never return.

"Please don't do this"


Polly looks at Faline, the older Faline, and launches the dagger into her stomach.

"I couldn't kill you then but I can kill you now"

Faline gasps, pressing her hand against her stomach out of instinct.

Faline begins to move backward, clutching her stomach. A hand on her shoulder causes her to blink rapidly.

"Are you okay?" Faline turns to see a soaking Stiles.

Faline looks down to see her stomach without an embedded knife.

"I'm okay," Faline says. "I must be drunker than I thought"

"No it's the punch," Stiles says. "Everyone's hallucinating"

Faline hears splashing in the pool and a line that makes her head snap up.


Faline watches as Jackson pulls Matt out of the water.

"What are you looking at?" Matt asks.

"Cops are here! Party's over! Run!"

"Where did he go?" Scott asks as they quickly run from Lydia's house.

"Scott" Faline hits his arm and points at Matt who was accompanied by the kanima. "Stiles was right"

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