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"Stiles" Faline shakes her snoring boyfriend. "Stiles"

Stiles makes a groaning noise before letting out another snore.

"You've got an early morning practice before the game tomorrow, remember?" Faline nudges him.

"Alright," Stiles says.

"If I'm going to sit and watch an entire lacrosse game you better not suck" Malia shouts from down the hall.

"Not gonna suck" Stiles murmurs.

"Remember you were supposed to drive Malia and me to school early so I can help her get more studying in for the math test?" Faline says as her boyfriend rolls over. "The one that determines whether or not she's going to be a senior with us next year?"

Stiles just groans and Faline rolls him over before pressing a kiss to his lips which he reciprocates, placing a hand on the back of her head.

"What are you doing? I haven't even brushed my teeth yet" Stiles says.

"I've seen you lick food off of the floor," Faline says. "That was the moment I was least attracted to you. So I don't care"

Stiles scoffs before pressing his lips to her again. They pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain themselves anymore, Stiles holds Faline's head in his hands and pulls her into a fiery and passionate kiss. Her hands work their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along with his perfect physique. He lies on his back as she matches his body's form. Stiles' hands venture over her body, exploring. They pull apart and open their eyes. They stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes. Stiles' full of wonder and love, Faline's mirroring the same expression. The kisses obliterated every thought. For the first time in a while, Stiles' mind was locked into the present. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer shower onto a hot car. His usual mode of hurrying from one thing to the next was suspended, he had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins his only desire was to touch her. Stiles flips them over and Faline giggles, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Faline watches as Coach throws the two tests in front of her.

"Perfect score as usual Michaels" Coach says.

"Lydia, Faline look I passed," Malia says.

"C minus," Lydia says.

"Your notes are great when they're not written in code," Malia says before Coach slams a test onto her table.

"Disappointed Malia" Coach says. "Profoundly disappointed"

Malia sighs and looks at her two friends.

"We'll send you our notes," Lydia says.

That night Faline is sat cross-legged on the floor, helping Malia study.

"So A squared plus B squared is-"

"Drop what you're doing. I'm taking you all out to dinner. Whatever you want" Mr. Stilinski says and Faline throws the study guide behind her and stands up happily.

"Dad I don't think a man of your debts should be treating anyone to anything," Stiles says.

"Well, there's one debt we no longer have to worry about," Mr. Stilinski says.

"What is that?" Stiles asks.

"A letter of apology from Eichen House and a cheque for eight thousand dollars," Stilinski says. "Apparently they've decided to forgive our debt and return the money Faline paid due to well you, Faline, and Lydia almost getting murdered"

"They can do that?" Malia asks.

"They can do it and they did it," Stilinski says.

"I have never been so happy to have almost been murdered," Stiles says.

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