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"Where's Scott?" Faline asks, walking with the boys into their locker room.

"I haven't seen or heard from him either," Liam says, looking between his two friends.

"Everything's fine I got a text from him this morning," Stiles says. "He said he might be a little late"

"How late is late?" Liam asks. "Is he always late? We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game. He- He shouldn't be late"

"Who shouldn't be late?" Coach asks, walking over to the concerned pair and Stiles.

"Scott and Kira," Liam says.

"They might be slightly late," Stiles says.

"Slightly late is still late" Coach stammers out angrily. "What are they doing?"

"They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late," Faline says.

"What could Scott and Kira be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?" Coach asks.

"Oh Coach," Stiles says and Faline laughs.

"For laughing Michaels, you're playing" Coach throws her Isaac's old number, a stick, and a helmet.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" Faline asks, holding them away from her like they were poisonous.

"For that, you're first line," Coach says and Faline turns to looks at Stiles and Liam with wide eyes.

"You can do this" Liam assures her.

"Me and sport are like oil and water," Faline says. "Maybe they'll leave me alone because I'm pretty?"

"That might score you points with them," Liam says. "Maybe lifting your shirt up?"

Stiles hits Liam over the head with his helmet, Liam winces, rubbing the now tender spot with a small pout on his face.

The trio is sat on the bench, Faline is trying to make the gear designed for taller people fit her.

"They're still not here," Liam says, looking around nervously.

"I'm going to get helmet hair" Faline whines and a boy behind her snorts.

"This is why girls shouldn't be on the team" The boy snickers. "They're too vain"

"You can only be vain if you're pretty besides with hair like yours I can see why you wear a helmet. Seriously do you think that makes you look good or what? I mean I honestly can't believe your mom lets you walk out the house looking like that you seventies wannabe. She really must hate you-"

"Faline turn around, that's enough emotional damage done," Stiles says before turning back to Liam. "Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another twenty-four hours. Liam, you're going to be fine okay?"

"I on the other hand am going up against people who could crush me like a bug. That one has a beard" Faline says, looking at the extremely tall players of Devenford Prep.

"You're not worried?" Liam asks.

"Okay, I'm mildly concerned," Stiles says.

"We're gonna lose without him," Liam says.

"No, we're not. We can be just as good without Scott" Stiles says. "Okay? I've been practicing and let me tell you something. I'm getting good, really good"

"Stiles I love you but you suck," Faline says.

"More than you do?" Liam asks wiggling his eyebrows.

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