131 - TW!

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Later that night, Faline is curled into Stiles' side and the boy was twirling the ends of her hair around his finger as she listens to his heartbeat against her ear.

"Scott heard you," Stiles says. "Telling Liam about Will. I also wondered why you didn't tell us about Matt"

"Because they were my own burdens to bear," Faline says. "No amount of jail time could fix what had already happened so I just let it be"

"But why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asks. "I thought we told each other everything?"

"What did you want me to say, Stiles?" Faline sits up. "That some dirty sleazebag teenager had his hands all over me whilst I was mostly unconscious. Just drugged enough so I couldn't protect myself but not enough that I can still remember every detail?"


"Or maybe you want to hear about how he made the back of my head bleed because when I would close my eyes he would slam my head back harshly against the headboard? Or maybe how it makes me feel like a scared little girl who was so gullible that she looked away from her drink for a second and allowed herself to get drugged?"

Faline climbs out of the bed and pulls on a pair of leggings.

"Where are you going?" Stiles asks, sitting up.

"I don't know," Faline says, pulling on a pair of sneakers before grabbing a jacket.

"Just come back to bed," Stiles says and Faline shakes her head.

"I need some air," Faline says. "I'll be ten minutes tops"

"I'll come with you"

"Okay" Faline sighs and Stiles pulls his shoes on.

Faline walks to the abandoned Turner house that was never lived in after Will's death. His family packed up and moved away.

"Is this-?"

"His house?" Faline asks before nodding. "Yeah. Time to face my demons I guess"

Faline takes a deep breath before pushing the door to the house open and the memories hit her like a tidal wave.

The party was blasting when fourteen-year-old Faline and Lydia entered the Turner household.

The music was so loud that it made Faline's skin tingle and her lungs feel like mush. The bass thumped in time with her heartbeat as though they were one, filling her from head to toe with music. She liked this song. Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. She couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in her ears and wouldn't seem to stop. The song that was playing got louder, pulling her in, and wouldn't let go.

No one can see the floor, it's wall to wall people dancing to the party music. There's no room for any more but somehow when Lydia and Faline hit it, space magically comes. The music is all nineteen nineties but they're dancing like it's jive, twisting, turning, holding hands as they change sides. They're all grins, they look like idiots and they don't care. Inside they're just happy, happy, and more alive than they can ever be in school. She feels the part of her that's really her come out to play, to feel the vibe of the music and let her body go free. One moment, one brilliant feeling of togetherness suspended in time.

Faline holds her cup in her hand but her attention is away from it, her focus on holding back Lydia's hair as the girl throws up.

Faline takes a sip of her drink as Lydia straightens back up and they continue to dance. Faline frowns as her vision goes blurry. Faline stumbles.

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