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Matt walks back into the room where Stiles and Derek are lying together, still paralysed.

"The evidence is gone, why don't you just go?" Scott asks.

"You think the evidence mattered that much, huh?" Matt asks. "No, no, I want the book"

"What? What book?" Scott asks.

"The beastiary" Matt says. "Not just a few pages, I want the entire thing"

"I don't have it," Scott says. "It's Gerard's. What do you want it for anyway?"

"I need answers," Matt says.

"Answers to what?" Scott asks.

"To this"

Matt pulls up his shirt to reveal kanima skin spreading across his body. Matt lowers his shirt before pulling Faline closer to him, once again pressing the gun to her temple.

"You know, I feel sorry for you McCall," Matt says. "'Cause right now, you're thinkin', 'How am I gonna explain this when it heals?' And the sad part is you don't even realize how incredible it is that you actually are healing. 'Cause, you know what happens to everyone else when they get shot? They die"

"Like Faline is right now," Scott says. "She doesn't heal like I do"

Matt looks at the girl in his arms who was pale, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Faline's breaths were becoming more shallow as time passes. Jackson walks in and Matt hands Faline to him.

"Take her to the cell room," Matt says.

Jackson walks with Faline his eyes flickering between kanima and human as he looks at the girl in his arms before he opens the door to hide his identity and throws Faline into the room. Faline stays lay in her position on the floor, with no energy to move.

"How long has she got?" Mr. Stilinski asks.

"I'm not sure," Melissa says. "I can't tell how serious it is from here"

Melissa gasps as the power goes out.

"Faline just hold on" Mr. Stilinski calls as he begins trying to pull himself away from the wall.

"You know what?" Matt walks into the room. "I've decided I'm going to finish you off Faline. Because I've decided if I can't have you, no one can. NO ONE CAN"

Another gunshot rings out, hitting Faline's shoulder, and the girl groans in pain.

"Listen to me," Mr. Stilinski says. "You don't need to do this"

"What I do need is for her to die," Matt says. "Which she will do soon, nothing you can do will change that"

Mr. Stilinski manages to pull himself away from the wall before Matt hits him over the head, causing Melissa to scream in shock.

"Matt please listen to me," Melissa says. "Faline is dying and I've heard other gunfire and my son is somewhere with a bullet wound and I don't know what's happening but please let me help her or let me see my son?"

"How totally clueless are you people?" Matt asks.

Faline sighs in relief when she spots Derek growling in the corner before the Kanima bursts in.

Derek grabs the Kanima and throws him across the room. The Alpha and the Kanima begin to fight as Faline slowly moves away, blood smearing across the floor as she moves.

"Melissa" Faline whispers. "It's okay, I promise if I-"

"Not if," Melissa says. "When.

"I'll explain everything" Faline whispers and Melissa reaches through the bar to smooth her hair down.

Scott yanks the Kanima away from the cell bars.

"Oh god, Scott?" Melissa asks. "Scott are you okay?"

Scott turns to look at his mother who gasps before moving backward.

"No" Melissa cries and Scott runs away.

Mr. Stilinski gets up and lets Melissa out so she can rush to Faline's side.

"We need to get her to the hospital," Melissa says.

"There's an ambulance on its way"

Faline is rushed into the hospital, an oxygen mask on her face as doctors and nurses rush around the young girl.

Faline is rushed into the operation theatre.

"Two entrance wounds and one exit wound," The doctor says. "One to the shoulder and one to the left side of her body. The one on the left side of her body has no exit wound"

The operation took two and a half hours as Stiles, Mr. Stilinski, Melissa, Scott, Nicholas, Derek, and Lydia sit in the waiting room, hoping for any news.

Only Stiles wasn't seated, pacing up and down the waiting room chewing at the skin of his lip.

"Miss Faline Michaels?"

All of them lookup.

"She's stable-"

"Oh thank god," Lydia says.

"Can we see her?" Stiles asks.

"One at a time," The doctor says. "She's sleeping right now"

"You can go, Stiles," Nicholas says.

"Thank you," Stiles says.

Stiles steps into the room and takes a gasp.

Faline was lay in the bed deathly pale. There were tubes up her nose and an oxygen mask on her face. There were IVs and lots of needles in her arms as the heart rate machine beats steadily.

"Hey Faye," Stiles says. "I know you've not been out long but I miss you. They said they've got you on some pretty strong drugs so you might be out for quite some time. But you need to wake up Faye, Matt's dead. Jackson's still the kanima. We need you, Faye, Allison's gone MIA, and Peter's come back to life"

Faline's eyes flutter open and Stiles smiles.

"Hi," Faline says, pulling the oxygen mask off of her face.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like fucking shit,"

"I see your foul mouth still functions," Stiles says. "That's a good sign"

"I guess so," Faline says, a small smile on her lips.

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