Where to Go...Pt. 3

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The Demon Twin Series has made it so far. It hasn't even been a full year since the series came out and there are already multiple books! If you've made it this far in the series I would just like to thank you and congratulate you for following the twins. It's a miracle that there are even people with the patience to continue reading this. 

This whole book began as a joke to cure my boredom. I was going to stop so long ago, but the number of people that would read a chapter in one day pushed me. And for that, I would just like to thank you. You deserve a cookie 🍪 

You're loved and appreciated. Even if it's just minimal effort put into the action, it means a lot to me. Anyways, you already know what to do 😁

The next book is waiting for you!

What are the odds that I go to school with one of you, or are going to be in the same school as you?

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