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She yawned, listening to her brother serenade himself in the shower. He was singing some type of lady-power song, maybe Adele or Lady Gaga. 

Bailey rolled over and found herself face to face with 50+ notifications from her phone. 

"Hey, Barry," she yelled through the bathroom door.

She heard him shuffling around in the shower for a moment before, "What?"

"Somehow someone heard you being a bitch to Rachel Berry-Hudson and the whole internet is spewing." She banged on the door. "Cisco saw it this morning and is texting me like crazy."

Barry popped his head out of the door, with a towel around his waist. "What the actual shit?" he cried.

"I have no idea how this happened, but its out Bear. I guess now the world knows about your highschool career." She held up her phone for her brother to see. 

He gripped it tighter than she had ever seen him hold anything. He gave her back her cell phone than turn around to get dressed. 

It probably hadn't set in yet. 

"I know this is going to be tough Seb, but Iris, Caitlyn, and Cisco deserve the truth."

"I told them about high school, but not what I did." He sat on her bed next to her, "I even skimmed over it when I talked with Oliver. You are the only person I've actually had to tell and you're my sister. You couldn't be mad at me."

She placed her hand in his, "You've become a much better person since then. You still bitch every so often, but you never hurt anybody. Even then you didn't mean to hurt anybody."

"I highly doubt they'll think about it that way."

Bailey stood to tower over her brother, "You listen here Bartholomew Sebastian Allen, you are a bitch. A good person and a bitch. Nothing in this universe can change that about you. Your friends know that you are a good person and I highly doubt they're going to be that put off by your bitchiness."

"Thanks, Bailey." He stood, hugging her. "Now, I have some people to talk with."

She watched him go, his hair all wet and floppy, his shirt kinda damp, and his eyes full of determination. That, theydies and gentlepeople, is her brother.

Yeah so I know I said I wasn't going to be updating this all that much but I just started continuing Glee and um.... Sebastian's storylines are really fucked up and I have something to say about it! (See chapter above)

Let me know what you think, and don't be expecting another chapter soon, its end of year madness at my school and things are getting crazy.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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