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Barry came into work looking a bit frazzled. Bailey was worried, her brother seemed off and she was afraid there was something wrong. 

"Barry," she approached her twin, "is something wrong?"

Barry didn't look too surprised that his sister had noticed his mood, "I just met an old friend from high school." 

Bailey gave him a look, a look only sisters can give. "Well we weren't friends, we were rivals." 

She gave him another look. "I snapped at him, he snapped back. Iris saw, and I think she's mad at me."

The auburn-haired woman began to laugh, almost dropping a test tube, "Really?" Bailey questioned her twin, "That sounds like something from a bad movie." Both were laughing now, as Barry realized that she was right.

Remembering that Bailey was mad at her brother she immediately stopped giggling and screwed up her face in an upset expression. "Just because I'm laughing with you doesn't mean I'm not mad at you."

Barry stopped his laughing, "I hope you can forgive me, I don't think I can have the two most important people in my life mad at me." He walked over to her, taking the test tube full of chemicals out of her hand. The two hugged as she forgave him.

The twins finished analyzing a blood sample left at the scene of the most recent crime and, finding no match, they went to inform Captain Singh.

Both left the office at 5:00 pm sharp and arrived at STAR labs at 5:15. 

Bailey used this downtime to build a small LAZER with Cisco and talk with Caitlin about the biology side of Barry's powers. When Barry had finished patrolling, there was just enough time for him to run Bailey home before dinner with Joe.

The next day, Bailey decided that since she had made up with Barry she might as well try to make up with her girlfriend.

Bailey: Why didn't you tell me before about being Speedy?

Thea: I thought if you didn't know you would be safe.

Bailey: I'm sorry I got so mad at such a small thing

Thea: No I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, keeping that from you was a big breach in trust

Bailey: It's alright, I forgive you, babe.

Thea: Call me?

Bailey: k

They talked on the phone for a bit before both had to leave for breakfast with their brothers. Barry and Bailey met up with Cisco and Caitlin at Jitters for coffee and pastries.

All four grabbed their coffee's looking around for Iris, who would usually be working at that time of day. When they didn't see her Bailey tried to text her to see where she was, she got no response. Everyone was a bit worried about her, especially in their line of work, she could have easily been kidnapped.

Once all four arrived at STAR labs and Barry began his weekend patrol of the city, Bailey began to help Cisco with hacking something. Bailey and Cisco started to talk with Barry, going through the motions but not caring.

Bailey decided to, around noon, go to subway and get a sandwich. 

She took a taxi to the Subway store, got her sandwich and headed outside to eat it. She was quickly stopped by a bunch of men, about Barry's age. 

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Bailey asked.

"Well I'm Jeff, this is Nick, Trent, Wes, and Thad, we are the Warblers," The man told Bailey, half of her sandwich stuffed into her face.

She swallowed the bite of the sandwich then said, "Warblers, like the acapella group?"

"Yeah," Thad said, "Just like the acapella group." Bailey choked on the piece of sandwich she had bitten after asking her query. Her brother had been apart of that acapella group in high school, maybe they were approaching her because of her brother?

"So um, why are you talking to me?" Bailey was only vaguely disturbed by their approach, seeing as they all looked about the same age as her brother

"Oh my gosh, we're so sorry, we didn't mean to ambush you. It's just you look like an old friend of ours and we were wondering if you knew where he was?" It had to be Barry/Sebastian, there was no other answer to that scenario. 

"So you're looking for Sebastian?" Bailey said, taking another bite out of her sandwich.

All of the men seemed shocked, they really didn't expect a straight response from anyone who knew Sebastian. "So you know where he is?" 

"Of course I do, we live together and work together," Bailey responded, still chowing down on the sandwich. The woman prioritizing the food over the conversation. She gestured for the men to follow her down the street. 

Wow, I hope you all like this newest installation of Rejoined with the Warblers.

If anyone has any ideas for other characters to meet Bailey and Barry drop it in the comments and I'll try to incorporate them into the next chapter.

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