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Brittany S. Pierce-Lopez hopped out of the car, her grey sneakers hitting the pavement with a 'clunk'.

Brittany and her wife, Santana, were visiting an old rival in Central City. Sebastian Smythe might not be much of a rival now, acting more as a friend than someone to crush and destroy, but he was a rival, at one point. Brittany still didn't understand the difference between rival then and rival now.

Santana jumped out of the passenger seat, making her way around the car to give Britt a quick peck. "You ready for this?"

"You bet I am!" Brittany responded. 

They walked into the cafe and noticed Sebastian sitting at one of the booths. The two women slid in across from him.

"Hey, Santana, Brittany," Sebastian said, smiling. "It's so good to see you guys!"

Brittany was confused, "Are you sure he isn't possessed?" 

Sebastian laughed, "Sadly, no. I'm not possessed."

Santana gave a snarky smile, before getting up to order coffee for her and Sebastian and hot chocolate for Britt. The blonde didn't like the taste of caffeine, though she did like RedBull's, they were the only thing that helped her survive college (besides Santana).

The two left at the booth spent the time Santana was away looking at each other. Brittany could tell that he was sizing her up in the same way she was, looking at her body language to see if she was hiding something or being nefarious in any way. 

Sebastian was thin, with his ever-present Meerkat face in full view. He wore a button-up shirt, with a light jacket over it, and a pair of nice jeans. The clothes were expensive, so he must have a high paying job. Brittany noticed that his hair was a slight bit more natural than it used to be, definitely not gelled anymore.

She watched as his eyes flickered over her body, clothes, mannerisms, and hair choices. So far he hadn't seen anything indecent or wrong about her, and she could tell from the way his body relaxed. 

By the time Santana came back, coffee's and hot chocolate in her hands, Brittany and Sebastian were smiling comfortably at each other, but still not speaking to each other. "He's good?" Santana asked her wife.

"Yeah, I guess so." Brittany took her drink from her wife's hand, freeing up a hand for Santana to hand Sebastian his drink. 

'Tana and Sebastian talked for a bit, mostly about college and work. Eventually, Sebastian turned to Britt, "So, what have you been doing?"

Brittany thought about how much to share, then figured if Santana trusted him she would too. "I went to MIT for college, graduated with a math degree, then got married to 'Tana. Now I work at a dance studio and work on some math theories in my spare time."

"That's pretty cool," Sebsatin told her. "How old are the people you teach?" 

"Mostly little kids, but also some teenagers."

"That's incredible, you're inspiring the next generation of dancers." Sebastian took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, the few teenagers I teach are always so excited when I tell them I was on Dancing with The Stars," Brittany mentioned, giggling.

Sebastian's eyebrows lifted to his hairline, "You were on Dancing with The Stars?" 

"In college. I didn't have much time to prepare and was voted off around the sixth week. It was fun though. People were disappointed because I had a lot of experience and wasn't a celebrity, but I did get a perfect score on my last dance." She took a sip of hot chocolate, before noticing... "Ooh, marshmallows!"

"Yeah, there are five," Santana told her, smiling softly. 

"Exciting!!!" Brittany made sure to make the exclamation points very vocalized.

Sebastian seemed taken aback by her exclamation points being so verbal. Probably not knowing that punctuation is quite easy to hear.

After a little bit more small talk a familiar voice shrieked in their ears. "What is going on here?" the short brunette, known as Rachel Hudson, née Berry, shrieked right in their ears.

Brittany smiled, "Hi, Rachel! How's Finn?" 

"Um, he's good. What are you guys doing? Fraternizing with a known enemy!" 

Santana rolled her eyes, "He's not an enemy, he was a rival, for like, a year or so."

"You still shouldn't be talking with him. He almost killed Blaine!" Rachel's voice was just as grating as Brittany remembered.

"Yeah, and he apologized, right?" Brittany asked, looking to Sebastian for back up.

"I did."

"This isn't about you!" Rachel glared.

Sebastian began to open his mouth, but Santana cut him off, "The entire argument is literally about him?"

Rachel huffed, "Uugh, you guys are still such Cheerio's."

Brittany didn't take that as an insult, considering that she was proud of being a Cheerio. "We are, thank you for noticing!" Brittany said, the same type of pep in her voice as in her step.

Rachel huffed and stomped away, realizing that she couldn't win the argument.

"That hobbit is stuck in high school," Santana remarked.

"What is she doing, job-wise?" Sebastian asked them.

"Rachel is on Broadway, but she recently had a kid and so hasn't been in many shows," Brittany told him.

Sebastian hummed, then looked at his watch, "Shit, I have to be back at work soon." He began to pack up his things and grabbed his coffee, "this was nice, and I'm sorry to have to run like this."

"It's fine," Brittany reassured him. "We understand."

Sebastian waved goodbye and ran out, seeming a little dishevelled. 

"He really has changed," Brittany noted aloud.

"Yeah, it's strange but nice." Santana stood up and helped her wife out of the booth, walking out to the parking lot together.

You guys!!! After my last chapter and the Authors note there you guys were so sweet and kind about my mental struggles and djakfhjfhjhlahk you guys are wonderful. 

I hope you like this chapter, I thought it might be fun to explore Brittany's perspective. Also... I learned how to spell Brittany properly, so that's something!

Anyway, please comment and vote, you guys are so amazing and your comments mean the world to me!


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