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Two days after the Blaine debacle, Barry got a text from the man in question.

Blaine: Hey Seb, wanna grab a coffee at Jitters?

Barry/Seb: Sure see you in five.

Blaine: K!!!

While Barry was walking to Jitters he saw a familiar Gay-Faced New Directioner. Every instinct of his was telling him to walk over to Kurt and start an insult party, but Barry continued to Jitters and coffee.

When he arrived he saw Blaine sitting alone at a table.

"Hey, Blaine." Barry waved to his friend.

"Hi Sebastian, how are you?" Blaine asked, politely.

The two made small talk until Sebastian mentioned how Kurt was sitting across the cafe, blatantly staring at them. Blaine sighed, telling the other man that, though they were married, Kurt sometimes does this.

Sebastian commented about how it was sort of weird to be the one sipping coffee (and some alcohol for the partial-Frenchman, not that it does anything besides taste good, what with his fast metabolism and all.) with the Anderson.

"Oh, wow, actually that's pretty funny," Blaine laughed a bit.

They were both sort of waiting until Kurt decided to make his move and, since he was just sitting there, Blaine elected to go over there and see what his husband was up to.

Sebastian watched Blaine talk to Kurt, with the smaller man's face getting redder and redder. It seems Kurt is still as possessive as he was in high school.

The brunette took out his phone. Sebastian was totally not going to take a picture and send it to Bailey with the caption 'Look who I indirectly pissed off today'. But then he got distracted by a notification from Twitter and you know how easy it is to rabbit-hole.

Suddenly, as he's reading one of Cisco's late-night tweets, something about 7/11 and his slushie, his phone was smacked right out of his hand.

"What the fu-" Sebastian began, but Kurt Elizabeth Hummel  (or Anderson, whatever) was not having it.

"Are you serious?" He screamed in Sebastian's face. The whole cafe watched with bated breaths to see how the taller man would respond.

"Not exactly sure what you mean," Sebastian feigned nonchalance, still sitting in the comfy armchair, content to let Kurt feel in charge.

"You couldn't have Blaine back in high school so you try and trap him now?"

What the literal frick. Just because Sebastian liked Blaine in high school doesn't mean he likes the Katy Perry stan now. That accusation kind of stung, in a good way though, means Sebastian could still get with Blaine if he tried. Not that he would, Oliver and himself are very happy thank you very much.

"You're like a vulture, a frigging  vulture." He spat at the sitting man.

And Barry was gone, Sebastian had come to play, and he wasn't leaving any survivors. "I would call you a vulture right back, but I don't even consider you one."

Kurt looked surprised that Sebastian was saying that, little did he know the ex-Warbler Captain wasn't finished.

"I consider you something a vulture would eat." His expression made everything that happened next at least a little bit worth it.

There was a gasp from Barry's left. There Iris stood in all her uniformed glory and he could tell from the way she was positioned that she was about to clock in. Her face looked like that surprised Pikachu face from those memes.

"Barry?" She whispered.

Yo guys, it Sam. Just wanted to let you all know that yes, I am still alive. Yes I will be continuing this. And yes I have gotten better at writing and will be/have been revising the last few chapters to make more sense grammatically.

Hope you all like this story. Leave a comment on who you would like to show up next. Right now I'm thinking Santana or Brittney, or maybe even both.


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