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Santana Lopez-Pierce was having a bad day. She woke up early, and thus was unable to say good morning to her beautiful wife, Brittany, then she had to drive to Central City for a photo shoot. 

She didn't really enjoy driving without her wife or friends, it was boring without Brit-brit trying to explain some sort of math thing using candy as an example. 

Central City was dull, though not in colour. It was a boring place for a very not-boring person such as Santana. The only good quality about this place was the Flash, a speedy superhero that caught criminals and helped the citizens of the city. Santana couldn't help but think that the man was noble.

The photoshoot was in an alley, it was well lit and the darkness would probably be added using a computer, later. 

Santana wore a floor-length, tight red dress and a fluffy black boa around her neck. Her lips were painted red, her eyes had a nice smoky shadow to them, and she carried a small black clutch. 

The photographer had her stand in the middle of the alley and let her pose as she wanted. Santana's face was very serious, seeing as this was her job and the outfit made her feel very aloof. 

"Good job, now why don't we get one of you against the wall?" the photographer called to her.

Santana liked her photographer. She was a strong woman who took no shit from anyone. She also made it abundantly clear that Santana was not an accessory to the clothes, the clothes were an accessory on her. Santana was almost always proud of the photos and glad that she wasn't portrayed as a sex image.

Suddenly there was a yell from the other end of the alley. Santana's head swivelled quickly, as she heard the tell-tale signs of somebody hitting another person. 

She waited a moment for anyone to do anything and, when no one made a move, she threw the boa on the ground and strutted over to the alley's darker mouth. 

Her photographer called after her, "What are you doing?"

Santana didn't respond. Her heels making a soft clicking sound as she walked, that was muffled by the sound of fists hitting flesh.  She turned the corner and faced a man in a black ski mask, beating up a woman, he had a yellow purse in his hand, so Santana assumed this was a mugging-gone-wrong. 

She yelled, "Hey, your mother may have told you you could be anything you wanted, but a mugger in a dark alleyway was not what she meant." 

The mugger turned to her, as the woman on the ground curled up further, her sobs lowering as the assault stopped. "Do you seriously think you can do anything against me?" He laughed.

"My friend has called the police and, though you probably have no idea what this means," She muttered. "I'm from Lima Height's, bitch." She peeled off her heel and raised it as a weapon, making sure he could see her long nails, ready to scratch his eye's out. 

She likes to think that he heard her line about being from Lima Heights and ran because of that, but it was probably the police part that spooked him. He dropped the yellow purse and ran away, giving one last glance toward Santana, still in her fancy red dress, before running off. 

Santana ran towards the curled up woman, "Hey, it's ok. He's gone." She helped the woman up, and hugged her, making sure that the woman felt safe and not constricted. 

"Thank you so much," the woman sobbed.

After a few minutes, the police showed up, their sirens echoing off the alley walls. 

I hope you guys liked Santana's arrival!!! The next chapter is also going to be a Santana chapter as I wrote them both together but then realized that it was a bit longer than my regular chapters and so I am going to post it in a few days, just to make you guys wait.


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